Canada is Burning


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
Setting the story straightā€¦ā€¦

We have a communist dictator running our country. Heā€™s so determined have all of Canada driving Electric Vehicles n phasing out our Oil&Gas here in Alberta which is the 3rd largest producer on the globe. Our new premier of Alberta Danielle Smith that runs our province basically told him to shove it, not happening. He wants all of Alberta turned to electricity for 2035ā€¼ļø Alberta runs on gas. You simply cant change all houses n businesses etc to electricity. Will basically cost approx 1.7 TRILLION. Canada is way too big n there is no way anywhere in Canada it will hold the grid. Also way too cold. EV batteries will blow. Most of these fires weā€™re having are caused by humans. Here in Alberta our premier made it very clear in an interview cause media were bashing her on our fires we had n pushing her to said itā€™s caused by Climate Change when itā€™s not. She worked with out firefighters n RCMP which they all admitted to her, out of 650 fires, 500 was caused by arsonists. Same for Vancouver Island, all caused by arsonists, lately in Yellow Knife the just cause 4young girls n still looking for 2 guys. In Quebec live from a Satellite above, was cause 6 fires all burst at the exact same time. Seems they were drones. Now itā€™s in British Columbia in Kelowna thatā€™s burning. Fires are all burning in the high end real estate areas n provinces.

Trees just donā€™t combust on its on. More n more Canadians are starting to realize all of this burning is purposely done.

Canada is basically a Boreal Forest meaning it stores carbon, purifies the air and water & regulates the climate. Because a large portion of the world's boreal zone lies in Canada, this country's boreal forest affects the health of the environment worldwide. So, by destroying them, their excuse of Climate Change will stand. Conspiracy or not, something is definitely happening n wrong. You canā€™t have one country on the planet burning down. Climate Change doesnā€™t select.

Iā€™m venting n piss seeing this beautiful country going down the drain by a communist pos ass.


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@helsonwheels Ahh-it's the new world order! They believe murder is liberty(for them) Fires,abortion,allowing murders.Same thing with our senile president! Maui burned down and he says"no comment".
I have been checking on C.fires, worrying about you. I see they are sending people to Alberta.Lock you doors:ohmy:! Praying that all will be safe for you. I've got room for ya! Prayers.
Oprah went there immediately with a film crew.(probably for a "special" she could make MORE money on. ) They would not let her film crew film .,So "special" she gave out pillows and blankets. So I guess they were to put on the ground. At least Besos gave I think 10 million. They also said they didn't want Biden there because when it happened he said "No comment". This whole thing, including Can. is so sad.
it isn't going to stop ... :( :( :(
it isn't going to stop ... :( :( :(
Us Westerners better wake up fast cause everything youā€™ve worked for, kiss it goodbye. They totally screw the whole planet with their Covid vax simply for profit, control n to implement Climate Change BS. Now Bill Gates n yes Warren Buffett saying to prepare for a virus worst that Covid. I never got vaccinated never will. They can all go ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..ā€¼ļø
Us Westerners better wake up fast cause everything youā€™ve worked for, kiss it goodbye. They totally screw the whole planet with their Covid vax simply for profit, control n to implement Climate Change BS. Now Bill Gates n yes Warren Buffett saying to prepare for a virus worst that Covid. I never got vaccinated never will. They can all go ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..ā€¼ļø
Not gonna happen..... "they" made sure to keep us divided on crap that is meaningless. if we united, they wouldn't have all the power an control but we are too blind to see what is really happening .... age old divide and conquer
Time for all Americans n Canadians to stand together. Their chit needs to stopā€¼ļø

Saw where new booster is coming out to address the newest variant. They can shove it, no, inject it, up their keister. I'm not doing anymore vaccines and wish I hadn't done the first ones. With that in mind, I took great pleasure in gathering all of my masks and tossing them into the trash. I then dumped a weeks worth of Bulldog poo on them.
Strangely enough, I still see the occasional idiot lone driver cruising down the road with an effing mask on.
I'm just waiting for my booster to improve my Wi-Fi connection and make me flame-resistant. I hear those are the latest features. I will report back with a review.
When they said: You canā€™t sue ANY pharmaceutical makers of this vax, immediately I saw Red Flags. Something was definitely wrong here n why I never touched that poison. I never wore a mask either. I just walked in the stores picked up what I needed n left. Rule of thumb, if govts tells you to do something, do the opposite. Mother Nature gave us a gut for a reason.
When they said: You canā€™t sue ANY pharmaceutical makers of this vax, immediately I saw Red Flags. Something was definitely wrong here n why I never touched that poison. I never wore a mask either. I just walked in the stores picked up what I needed n left. Rule of thumb, if govts tells you to do something, do the opposite. Mother Nature gave us a gut for a reason.
Yes, also Pfizer wanted to keep all data sealed for 75 years! That should tell you everything you need to know.
Agreed... I did not participate the first time and won't be EVER participating... red flags went off for me on day one. Standing in the office seeing people , literally running out the door with computer monitors under their arms to get home. It was the day we were told to go home for two weeks. I stood in disbelief of the reaction. I thought to myself, something ain't right here... why the 24/7 fear porn. As for people still wearing them, I pray for them, my heart hurts for them, because they are forever scarred by the propaganda that took place for 2+ years.
Agreed... I did not participate the first time and won't be EVER participating... red flags went off for me on day one. Standing in the office seeing people , literally running out the door with computer monitors under their arms to get home. It was the day we were told to go home for two weeks. I stood in disbelief of the reaction. I thought to myself, something ain't right here... why the 24/7 fear porn. As for people still wearing them, I pray for them, my heart hurts for them, because they are forever scarred by the propaganda that took place for 2+ years.
Iā€™m going to sound harsh but itā€™s the Italian in meā€¦..šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

I totally understand why The People freaked out, panic n ran to get vaxxed. The govts, Drs, Nurses, and media all bought n paid for brainwashing the most they can poke. But, after what the whole planet went through n how most got taken for a ride, if theres still people out there wanting to get vaxxed, go for it, accept whats going to happened to your health n donā€™t complainā€¦.

Even the flu shot, I never had any but I sure wouldnā€™t even touch that. Ok Iā€™m doneā€¦..
Yes absolutely to each their own. do I wish everyone saw the truth behind the shots - all shots, absolutely, but they will not. And, we also have to remember a lot of people died from both the illness and effects of the shots. I work with several people that are injured from the shot that was forced on them to keep their jobs ( we were not allowed back to office without the shot), I refused the entire time and was ready to retire, but then they suddenly dropped the requirement. I also know many others that lost loved ones from the illness... it is heartbreaking and something those directly impacted will never get over. many in my family were very sick before and after the shots so there is no full protection in any form, but making sure we all keep our immune systems strong and stop living in fear.... enjoy your days with your friends and family... get outside more. Being inside sitting still and looking at a screen is so not healthy for any of us.

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