Bullshark Brie snapping....


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Jul 2, 2013
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When she gets something in her mouth, she acts like it's the last thing in the universe and if she loses it all will end... She got hold of a little candy wrapper n my 8 yo saw it hanging out of her mouth and tried to get if. She snapped at him...I think she scared him more then hurt him, but it could have been worse and might be worse in the future. I got it out of her mouth but she snapped at me too. I can't believe this roly poly love bug is SO 'assertive' w her behavior. I've never seen a puppy like this.The behaviorist said She is not dominant...but her state of mind is higher then it should be... I get that and am working on that but in the meantime does anyone have suggestions? My poor son thinks she hates him and honestly I don't blame him. She doesn't seem to have any bite inhibition either...very strange.


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What does that mean? She is not dominant, but her state of mind is higher than it should be. Please explain.....


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[MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION]...your guess is as good as mine on that one. Brie follows me everywhere..the behaviorist said she shouldn't do that because in her mind it's like she has to. So she told me to stop her...but I love her following me :( I asked her if she felt the behaviors I was concerned about (her very rough play w my son, her attacking my other dog when I go to put the leash on him, her possessiveness over food etc) was her being or trying to be dominant to which after spending time w her she said no, that I don't have a dominant dog in my house, but her state of mind related to me was an issue. In my opinion, if a dogs state of mind is higher then it should be, wouldn't that be equivalent to vying for position ...or trying to be dominant? I'm lost... Lol

Jennifer Clark

I can handle the whiskey, if you can handle the nu
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Apr 16, 2013
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Sheldon A.K.A Shelly Bean (06-12-19); Duecy (9-13-14); Maddie (4-16-19)
[MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION]...your guess is as good as mine on that one. Brie follows me everywhere..the behaviorist said she shouldn't do that because in her mind it's like she has to. So she told me to stop her...but I love her following me :( I asked her if she felt the behaviors I was concerned about (her very rough play w my son, her attacking my other dog when I go to put the leash on him, her possessiveness over food etc) was her being or trying to be dominant to which after spending time w her she said no, that I don't have a dominant dog in my house, but her state of mind related to me was an issue. In my opinion, if a dogs state of mind is higher then it should be, wouldn't that be equivalent to vying for position ...or trying to be dominant? I'm lost... Lol

That would be my thought but I have never dealt with dominance before.

sent from my Droid RAZR with love!


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May 2, 2013
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That is just what I thought-sounds like dominance-or what is the difference, I would have asked. All my life, my dogs have followed me around. BUT they sure wouldn't follow me, if they got loose outside of the fence-then it would be bye bye, ma! Don't most dogs follow their owners around the house-all mine always did?! Even Ceaser's pack follows him! It sounds to me more like she is trying to be dominant, which I don't think has anything to do with following you-unless she won't let anyone else near you....
I do have one dog-3/4 Fr, 1/4 pug, who will try to jump up and "attack" any other, if I pick someone up(most are too heavy for me now) but she never even thought of trying to bite me for any reason.
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Baxter Tiberius

I think its just levels of severity? Dominant would be dominant. Higher mindset just meaning she's hyped up a bit, maybe a little more dominant than she should be. How old is she? I don't agree with the behavioralist about the following. I can see how it would be interpreted as an insecurity if you really want to analyze it, but at the same time, its one of the most endearing traits of english bulldogs across the board. I think everyone here has a bully who does this, and we all love it. Not sure its something that I would try to correct. The biting thing - that's a tough one. I never really trained Baxter not to chomp someone's hand off when they hand him a treat. I didn't know how to go about training him on that one. So I keep my fingers clear if im handing him food. He comes at it like a great white shark. I know you're talking about removing things from the mouth, but im just as clueless about how to handle that one too.


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
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Both of my bulldogs have followed me all day long… I just thought that they all do that?!! LOL Winston DOES get snappy too, but I just repeat EASY over and over… and he usually does, or if he gets something he's not supposed to have I tell him to DROP IT. My biggest problem is him stealing treats from Roxie, that about drives me nuts… Had your behaviorist worked w/bulldogs before?


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May 2, 2013
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Well, when mine are pups, and take something from my hand, too rough, I tell them "easy". Then next time I turn my hand so they can't get it, and " easy-you be nice" and turn my hand to where they can get it, but I don't let go of the treat, unless they do take it gently. And I make them sit, before they can have it at all. They all sit in a line for treats and wait their turn. They only get them by hand.
I certainly would NOT let a puppy snap at me, or anyone! I would think you need to practice giving her things, and taking them away. When she is eating-take her dish away-if she growls, tell her no-don't you dare growl. Put your hand in her dish while she is eating-just bug her whenever she is eating. Take her toys when she has them, or a bone. Everything! I do not allow a dog of mine to growl at me, or snap-or show any aggression. OR grab things out of my hand. Of course they growl and bite each other while playing. If they get too wound up-I tell them(in a stern voice) that's enough! Do not let her snap or growl at you-you have got to be the Alpha-or she WILL be dominant over you! After you have gotten results, then have your child do it. She can not growl or bite him EVER! Anyway-that's my opinion.......
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Jennifer Clark

I can handle the whiskey, if you can handle the nu
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Apr 16, 2013
Searcy, Arkansas
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Sheldon A.K.A Shelly Bean (06-12-19); Duecy (9-13-14); Maddie (4-16-19)
I reach in Sheldon's mouth whenever he has something he and I both knows he isn't suppose to. I can reach in and take food out if his mouth and when he takes a treat from my hand he does it gently. I just think I got lucky with Shelly Bean.

sent from my Droid RAZR with love!


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
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Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
Well, when mine are pups, and take something from my hand, too rough, I tell them "easy". Then next time I turn my hand so they can't get it, and " easy-you be nice" and turn my hand to where they can get it, but I don't let go of the treat, unless they do take it gently. And I make them sit, before they can have it at all. They all sit in a line for treats and wait their turn. They only get them by hand.
I certainly would NOT let a puppy snap at me, or anyone! I would think you need to practice giving her things, and taking them away. When she is eating-take her dish away-if she growls, tell her no-don't you dare growl. Put your hand in her dish while she is eating-just bug her whenever she is eating. Take her toys when she has them, or a bone. Everything! I do not allow a dog of mine to growl at me, or snap-or show any aggression. OR grab things out of my hand. Of course they growl and bite each other while playing. If they get too wound up-I tell them(in a stern voice) that's enough! Do not let her snap or growl at you-you have got to be the Alpha-or she WILL be dominant over you! After you have gotten results, then have your child do it. She can not growl or bite him EVER! Anyway-that's my opinion.......
This is exactly what we do with Brutus, he is not allowed to show aggression. The only time he does is if I put extras on his kibble. If my other dogs go near his bowl he would growl and back them off. I immediately tell him no and I pick up his bowl until he sits and looks at me and understands that he is not allowed to do that. He is much better now and he rarely does it. If he does I go through the same routine. If I am giving him something either cookie or ice cube or whatever it is in the palm of my hand with a closed fist and I introduce it knuckles up to him and I tell him easy and when he is waiting for the treat I turn my hand and open my fist and he is allowed to have the treat. I also just saw an episode of the dog whisperer and it featured an aggressive bulldog, no really I did, the bulldog did not want to have his face and ears cleaned and he was biting very aggressively. ceasar put the dog on her side and kinda leaned on her until she was submissive. Maybe when Brie shows aggression toward your son, you could do something like this to show her that you are the dominant and she will know her pack place?? I think I may try this when I try to trim Brutus' darn nails. I swear he gets so upset.


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Ok, thank you all. I want her to follow me! She is a bit higher energy mentally..high strung I guess, but so what. Her following makes me feel loved and important. I have been working w her on taking food gently from my hand, and she gets it's ..most of the time. The snapping when she has something is going to take a lot of yams, I will try the suggestions if giving her something n taking it away. She is 11 mos old now. She does has no issues w anyone hear me, but of course shows herself put if I pet another dog..but I'm working on that too. I started putting her in her crate for a short time out if she gets too rough. I just don't think she had the proper care for the first 8 weeks of her life to be honest. But all I can do is work w what I have. I'm doing my best, I assure u of that! She is my baby n I love her. Just wish I could wave a magic wand u know? Lol I can take her food away, can take it out of her bowl, etc. it is only when she has nabbed something she shouldn't..

Jennifer Clark

I can handle the whiskey, if you can handle the nu
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Apr 16, 2013
Searcy, Arkansas
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Sheldon A.K.A Shelly Bean (06-12-19); Duecy (9-13-14); Maddie (4-16-19)
Ok, thank you all. I want her to follow me! She is a bit higher energy mentally..high strung I guess, but so what. Her following makes me feel loved and important. I have been working w her on taking food gently from my hand, and she gets it's ..most of the time. The snapping when she has something is going to take a lot of yams, I will try the suggestions if giving her something n taking it away. She is 11 mos old now. She does has no issues w anyone hear me, but of course shows herself put if I pet another dog..but I'm working on that too. I started putting her in her crate for a short time out if she gets too rough. I just don't think she had the proper care for the first 8 weeks of her life to be honest. But all I can do is work w what I have. I'm doing my best, I assure u of that! She is my baby n I love her. Just wish I could wave a magic wand u know? Lol I can take her food away, can take it out of her bowl, etc. it is only when she has nabbed something she shouldn't..

I wish I knew how to help...I really don't know how to help. I have always been able to do this with Sheldon he has never tried to be dominant or if he did he was always put right back where he belonged.


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May 2, 2013
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Every dog is different, as we all know. Perhaps Brie didn't have a lot of "human" contact, when she was a pup, as far as getting socialized with "individual attention".
If she was with the other pups, and had something she found-she would defend it from them.Perhaps she is doing the same with you, when she finds a "treasure". You need to really work on the problem-before she gets older, if not-it will get worse, not better.I would even try to set "traps" for her. Something she might come across, that she shouldn't have-too big to swallow, while you are observing, so that you can take it away from her-and deal with her reaction. This bit of "snapping" needs to be addressed now.
I am not a dog trainer-but I have trained a lot of dogs---my own. Now, these bullies and their nails-that's a problem for me!
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Every dog is different, as we all know. Perhaps Brie didn't have a lot of "human" contact, when she was a pup, as far as getting socialized with "individual attention".
If she was with the other pups, and had something she found-she would defend it from them.Perhaps she is doing the same with you, when she finds a "treasure". You need to really work on the problem-before she gets older, if not-it will get worse, not better.I would even try to set "traps" for her. Something she might come across, that she shouldn't have-too big to swallow, while you are observing, so that you can take it away from her-and deal with her reaction. This bit of "snapping" needs to be addressed now.
I am not a dog trainer-but I have trained a lot of dogs---my own. Now, these bullies and their nails-that's a problem for me!
Lol wanna trade issues? I can manage her nails. I am going to try the traps. I just don't know the proper way to get it from her to stop the snapping etc. I agree tho that it needs to be dealt w now. I'll do my best, as always tho!


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
Don't worry if you stay consistant with the training, she will get it. She is so cute.

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