Bringing a new pup home.. tips?


New member
Sep 15, 2011
El Paso, Texas, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Aldo Chocolate, Katara Fiona, Bruno Cannoli
Ok, Bruno will come home in 5 weeks..

I have made a lot of mistakes with Aldo and Katara and I am trying to do it right this time..

This is what I think I need.. any other suggestions?
-A stainless steel bowl
-A small crate with resistant bedding (does he need to have his own crate or can he share with Katara?)
-Quality puppy kibble (The older guys are on Fromm Beef but I am wanting to try salmon tunalini next) he will be too young for this recipe right [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] do I need to start him on a grain free puppy food (like what?) or can I do normal fromm puppy or another quality puppy like wellness or NVI?
-I need suggestions on puppy pad training? With Aldo and Katara I would just take them out every couple hours even at night to potty; but this time I am considering placing the pup in a large indoor play area and his crate inside and the puppy pad so he can do his business there at night since it will be hard finding the energy to get up at night.. and then, I work nights 3 nights a week as well, so I would need my husband to take him out.. and waking up as night is not his specialty.. Aldo and katara were both semi house trained when they came to me, so I am hoping this one will be the same...
-collar and leash-- how soon can I start him on walks and trainings.. how many series of shots does he need before I can let him roam the streets of my neighborhood
-I need to put him on his back.. a lot as a young pup... hopefully this will prevent or stall development of dominant issues and prey drive like I've had with Katara (territorial) and Aldo (overstimulation/excitement)
-I need to get the girls to finger feed Bruno Cannoli from the start so he understands they are above him.. [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] do you recommend I feed Bruno first, then Katara then Aldo or just Bruno with Katara first with Aldo watching, and then Aldo?
-I need to make the introduction happen with my poodles.. never forced it with A & K and there is lots of dangerous friction between those two packs... I would like Bruno to be able to roam free through the house when either the little poodles or the big bulldogs are free.. hopefully this can close up the gap between the two packs and maybe they can all interact one day...
-Add him to the pet insurance and get the hip dysplasia coverage

Is there Anything else that you recommend? It wasn't too long ago that I adopted Aldito and Kat.. but I still need some help guys :tongue:
First of all ........... can't go wrong with stainless steel bowls. He may not have any problem with plastic but stainless steel is so easy to keep clean.

I would DEFINITELY get him a separate crate ........ he has to have his "cave" or "safe place" that only belongs to him.

Fromm do a puppy food ..... that's what Linus was on for a while when we got him but I quickly switched him on to the Fromm 4* range for convenience because that's what Maggie and Daddy were on. The Fromm 4* range is an all-stages food so they can have it from puppy to senior. I wouldn't worry too much about getting grain-free. He won't have too many allergies right now so unless he shows signs as he gets older of not doing too well on grain there is no need to limit his diet just yet.

I would feed Aldo and Katara before him.

Introduce him to your two poodles the way you plan on introducing him to the two bullies. Be consistent in your approach and remember you are the boss of two poodles too so don't accept any bad behaviour!!

Linus did great with puppy pad training until he'd been here for a week when apparently he didn't want to use them anymore and just peed anywhere he felt like it. So try the puppy pads cos sometimes they work and sometimes they don't!!!

He needs to have ALL his inital shots before you start to take him out into the neighborhood where there have been other dogs.
@kazzy220 So then I can feed Katara first, then Aldo, then the pup.. oh cool.. do I have him lay to wait or just put him in a little crate? So I can get a couple bags of fromm 15lbs then switch him to beef frittata or just leave him on the fromm.. A &K were on raw until they were 5.5 months old, so I never used a puppy kibble..
The poodle subject, it is really difficult, they are senior dogs, 10 years old.. I have been opening the door to my grandmas room (were they are at when A & K are free) and the bulldogs are doing great, no growls, no attempts to invade their space, no barking, after less than a minute when they see I am not allowing any bad behavior they just leave and completely ignore them.. Diego and Frida on the other hand are going CRAZY in there.. shaking, barking, hiding.. acting all like a prey would (@Vicaroo1000 as cesar milan would say) the reason my bulldogs snap at them is because of this intense fear they have toward them.. it is very sad to see.. I really am afraid they will have a heart attack if I push them too much.. so, I am hoping they will be a little more tolerant to a baby. and maybe move on.. My main goal is not to correct the poodles.. but make sure A & K do not overstep their boundaries to them.. they need to respect their seniors... no matter how they behave...
and when you say all his puppy shots, do you mean the 4 series? so until 13 weeks of age or so correct?
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Feed them exactly as you are doing now ... just add the puppy on the end. Get him used to waiting any way you can. You can always play around with this "sequence" when he has learnt his place! How you use the Fromm puppy is entirely up to you. Linus was one of Lisa's ([MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]) puppies so he came to us on a good food. All I had to do was continue with the puppy for a while and then switch him over to what Maggie and Daddy were having. Do you know what food he is on now??

As for the poodle subject ....... they may not have a problem with this new baby because they will sense that he is just that ... a baby and therefore pose no threat to them. I think you just need to introduce them and react to their reaction - if that makes sense!

As for the puppy shots ............ yes the full set! Why take any risks with your new precious bundle!!
wonderful [MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] thank you so much! To be honest I haven't even asked yet on what food he is going to be on.. I remember Aldo came home on Royal Canin and Katara Nutro Max :excited:
You have gotten great advice :) Just be persistant and remain calm, and assertive. You can do this! I am going to be waiting for the family picture (one day with the poodles) He is a handsome handsome boy!!
You have gotten great advice :) Just be persistant and remain calm, and assertive. You can do this! I am going to be waiting for the family picture (one day with the poodles) He is a handsome handsome boy!!
Hey, I take many many pictures, and very very very few make it even to print.. this one will not only be printed but made into a huge canvas! :D
Hey, I take many many pictures, and very very very few make it even to print.. this one will not only be printed but made into a huge canvas! :D

I cant wait! :) Kisses to Aldo and Katara :)
OH boy.... he is so adorable! Karen ([MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION]) has you all set with great advice. Feeding order and process does not change just add Bruno to the end.... leash walking can begin once he has completed the shots as you do not want to chance him getting sick.
Aww he is so adorable. I can see why you love him. Cant wait till you get him.

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