Breaking News: On the front page of our local newspaper today......

[MENTION=1217]Lacey28[/MENTION], OMG, and my husband thinks I am paranoid!! I live in a house but the development I live in does all our lawn care every Tues. Even still because we live in Fl. Every Tues before I go to work I shut all the blinds and ALWAYS have my doors locked EVERY day of the week. Sure we have a 58 inch flat screen, but Vegas would be much easier to walk out with, and I don't know if the neighbors would even notice (maybe I had someone come walk him while I was at work, that would never happen... but they could think that) I have never in the year and a half of his life even left him in my car for one second by himself for two reasons 1. its HOT here, and 2. they could break my window and steal him! I do not think I am as paranoid as my husband thinks and I am going to make him read this article. Thank You for sharing and proving people DO watch your house and know what they can get if they steal our babies! I sure hope they find her soon and is in good health!!
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My gosh this is my worst nightmare. I am with you [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] paranoid like crazy. My hubby is actually more paranoid than I am and at times I wish he werent but he is right to be. We dont walk the boys that often and when we do we both go, not just me. I am not aloud to go by myself cuz someone could totally just steal them right from me and what would I do? It is just such a sick world we live in where these are things we have to worry about. So sad for them, I hope they get him back.
How sad for those poor people. I sure hope they get her back!
that is so sad... I can't imagine what those people are feeling right now.
Oh my goodness... how terrible :( Before we had Chester.. I would "sometimes" set the alarm system when I left the house. Since we got him, I make sure I set it, even for a quick run to the grocery store. :pray: that their baby is returned safe and sound.
That is really scary. I'm super paranoid with Stiggy too. I used to not mind walking him alone, but now I'm always more cautious and only do when a lot of other people in my neighbourhood walk their dog(s), if not, my bf's with me. I'm even planning on getting a storm door for my front door and add another lock. My bf's also careful to always have the alarm on, even if we're in the house.
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It irritates me that the person conducting the interview had the gall to ask "why don't you just get another dog?". Um ...why don't you try to find a working brain?
Fortunately i have a concealed weapons permit and Georgia would rip any stranger to shreds if she heard any durress or if we weren't home. I ahte that I can't socailize her but its safer for her and us and lets face it Beefy would hump their leg and if they pet him or scratched him on the butt he would be puddy.
[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] [MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION] I am so paranoid too!!! I bought a combination lock for Butler's crate, the code is set for the police and fire code for "animal" in case there is a fire, but some scum criminal won't figure that out, and whenever we go on walks, I take my gun with me. I live in a good neighborhood but you never know. Also I don't like people to see me walk him home, I don't want people knowing that a bully lives here. I'll do an extra lap around the block. Lol i'm so paranoid you would think I was selling drugs or something.
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[MENTION=355]gatorfan85[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1539]sheila[/MENTION] I love that you carry your gun, haha. Do you have a permit Sheila? It would be my luck to do something like that and for some reason a cop would stop to talk to me. My cousin carries a knife with her when she takes the kids for a walk even which sounds excessive but all it takes is that 1 person, 1 time. A knife I think tho is more dangerous to carry unless you know how to use it. As my hubby always says unless you are trained with it you are more likely giving a weapon to the criminal which is a scary thought in itself. So sad that in this day and age you cannot trust anybody!
How sad for this family!! Hopefully it will have a happy ending like a case here in Az. a few weeks ago. A Bully was stolen from a home and then found wandering alone a couple weeks later. I agree with everyone above. I lock up 24/7, NEVER leave Gertie and Ida in the back yard, even if I'm only running out briefly. I NEVER leave them in my car (same reasons as in Fl., even tho it's cooler here this time of year). I can't believe I didn't even think about someone stealing them while out for a walk. I guess I'm basically too trusting. However, I do have my 160 pound St. Bernard MUCH more visable than the girls. If my granddaughter wants to walk a dog, she takes Arrow out. I WANT people to see we have him. I think he'd be a big deterant when considering breaking in here. (Of course he'd go home with anyone who broke in, just like "Roxie" did! So sad we all have to take these precautions. My kids say I'm TOO careful, but I don't think you can ever be TOO CAREFUL. I'm the same way with my grandkids. You just never know...
[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION] my mil used to have a st bernard also and she LOVED walking him. As sweet as they are, you would have to be brave to wanna mess with the one walking them. He would have protected her for sure tho as much of a love as he was but if I had a big dog I think I would feel much more safe also. My pug certainly can bark as he backs up really well but I dont think that is the protection we need. :lol:
[MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION] in arizona we do not need concealed carry permits. we just passed a law that makes it legal to carry. i have knives too, but i am not good with knives like i am guns. the main reason for my knife is in case i need to break open a car window and cut a seatbelt. i live in phoenix, so i'm not likely to crash into water, but you never know! like you said, i would be more likely to give a criminal my knife than scare him off. but guns are easy! my stepdad is a firearms instructor so i learned from him, and my husband is a cop so we go shooting for practice/fun as well. i feel so safe with the gun, cause i know i can't fight or run very fast. lol!

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