Biking with a bulldog


New member
May 28, 2014
Austin, Tx
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Good day all,
While Nelson and I have our daily walks of 30-45 mins, unfortunately, I need a bit more exercise.
The problem is that once I get home, I hate not including him in activities, so I tend to not go back out.

I've been looking at getting a dog carrier/cart that I can pull behind my bike, and thus take him with me for another 45mins or longer bike ride. That way I get exercise, and he gets to be outside, sniffing, without exerting himself too much and overheating. (This would be in addition to our walks, so he will still be getting his own exercise!)

There seem to be a lot of different brands, but I was wondering if anyone here had experience in biking around with their bully.

Thanks all!
Hi Jay, I don't have any experience with riding with a carrier on the back of a bike, but I have seen it here. I live in Canada and our climate is cooler than you would have in Texas. He would be fine being pulled in the carrier as he wouldn't be exerting himself in there, or running beside you, but my only concern would be if the temperatures were hot outside, and he was inside the plastic carrier with the door zipped up. It may get too hot inside for him, especially if he was in there for 45 mins or longer as you plan to do. I'm not sure if these carriers get hot inside or not, maybe another member knows more about this, or has experience with it. I hope it works out for you, it sounds like fun. Please share what you find out.
We had one for our Bella, and she absolutely LOVED to go for rides on the bike. It also made my bike ride a pretty good workout… Lol
What a fabulous idea!! Hubby and I used to bike ride B.C. (before children)…I'd LOVE to get back into it and we just got the twins bikes for Christmas…didn't even think to attach a carriage for The Bass…OH, I'm super excited now for spring/summer!!
I ride also but you living in Texas like DD said, eeeeeeeh....this will be my first summer with Nyala and I like to power walk also...heard EB can do 2 miles... so that means I do8 my 5km bike then grab her and do another 2-3km but I will need more like you. Not best breed to tag along with your exercise program especially hot places like TX. Unless you find one of them carriages with A/C :) crap there's an invention for you! I want my cut!!!
I used one of these with my nieces when they were young and it was perfect for our summer weather and it should be able to handle a bulldog. It has screens all the way around and comes with plastic for cooler weather.

The only thing I would be really worried about is 50-70lbs of bulldog shifting while riding could cause you to loose control. Kiddo's can be strapped in for a safe stable ride.

Not best breed to tag along with your exercise program especially hot places like TX. Unless you find one of them carriages with A/C :) crap there's an invention for you! I want my cut!!!


Once the weather gets warm, he'll be limited to just his daily walks, which we take either late at night, or early in the morning. As spring approaches I thought it would be nice to get him out and about a bit more. Plus, it seems like it will be a good workout for me.

So now I need to invent a light AC for a carriage AND get a "bully on board" sticker :D

Thanks everyone!

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