Anyone else not allow dog on the couch? How did you train?


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Aug 17, 2013
Pleasanton, CA
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We have never allowed Shakespeare (now 9 months) up on any furniture. He used to jump up on the couch maybe once a day, lay down, and look at us like he was asking, "Please?". Now he thinks he's a bunny and is constantly jumping up, growling, and nipping when we take him down. We are very consistent with immediately removing him, saying, "NO!", leading him to his own bed (in the middle of the floor), and telling him that this is his bed. He gets lots of snuggles and we're always taking turns sitting on the floor with him. Any other suggestions? He is driving me crazy!


Active member
Aug 24, 2013
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Winslow is not allowed on our couch either. He was about the same age when I started to get tough - at night we'd be on the flppr with him cause he wouldn't stop bugging us!

My advice is to keep doing what you're doing. I hate that testing he does! Thankfully it seems to be happening less but I know what you're talking about. But I do the same, tossing him in the crate if he is a repeat offender.
I will say that he never seemed to find his bed to be his own space, and i think that's what made it difficult for us. We gave him our wingback chair, which he is allowed on whenever he likes, and aside from mandatory nighttime snuggles and the occasional couch sneaking it's worked wonders for us. :)


The New Casper
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May 15, 2013
Blips and Chitz
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Harlea 5/4/13 - 8/25/22
We pretty much gave up as well and just vaccum the couch once a week.

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Mar 12, 2014
United States
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Diesel and Roxy
Xena my boxer took over our recliner. Roxy our 1 1/2 year old bully is so rotten is not even funny. Hubby let her on our couch since she was a puppy. I must say Roxy is hubbies dog ( well he wanted her since I had my boxer) but of course I take care of her. I wish I never showed her how to get on the couch. She sheds three times more as my boxer and it's impossible to keep her of the couch. Now my rescue Diesel, who I have since two month, he never jumps on the couch. He will put his front paws in the couch when hubby and I are watchin tv so I can pet him, but that's it!!! I wish there would be a dog friendly couch where you don't see the hair and scratches!!!!

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I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
There are many here that do not allow their bullies on the furniture. My guys have run of the house and can be/go around as they want, BUT if we remove and tell them NO, they know not to go on until invited.

LOTS of training and time for that to finally take hold, but it works for us


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Jun 22, 2013
Melbourne Australia
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Bazza is not allowed on our beds or furniture. Like you we were consistent, he tried and tried but gave up and cannot remember actually when, but I know it took awhile, Bazza is now 2 years old and it has been over a years since he has, so he must have been around 9mths - 10mths. He loves his bed so much now that we can't get him off it.


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Mar 21, 2014
United States
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Meatball Tyler
I gave him his own couch! Yeah I'm a wussy, I got tired of fighting with him. Although his couch is the only couch he gets on now. He doesn't even attempt to get on another couch, chair, bed etc. So I guess it worked out :)


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Jan 24, 2014
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Henry, Clyde-EB/basset hound and Macon
Henry isn't allowed on the bed. We have a couch, love seat and chair for living room furniture. He lives on my love seat with me. Sometimes he gets on the kids' couch and is not allowed in the hubby's chair. It's just how it's worked out. I'm sick a lot so Henry is stuck to me like glue. I need the snuggles as much as he does. He knows that if I let me by my head I feel good and if I push him down by my knees or feet that I don't. That's code for nap time. :)


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Feb 2, 2014
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Leo is not allowed on our couches or bed as well. He tries to get up, or has his paws up on the couch but he is not able to get up. I know he can if he wanted to because I know he can jump high enough. He jumps into my car. I have to constantly tell him "off" and he'll do it, sometimes it takes a while, but he knows what off means. I keep his shaker can on the coffee table just in case he gets stubborn and doesn't get his paws off the couch. if he sees me reaching for it, will get him off the couch immediately . I got him a new bed which I now keep next to the couch. that way he can be next to me w/o being on the couch.


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Jul 26, 2011
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Bullie (RIP) & Angus (RIP)
My dogs are not allowed on the carpetted areas of my house. It takes a while to get them trained to do this - but yes, consistency is key and the first step is to master the "nuh uh" command - which is basically my personal mutli-purpose command to get the dogs to stop whatever it is they're doing so I can then redirect them to doing something else. So, the minute a paw hits carpet I go "nuh uh" and give them the "back up" command and do the praise praise praise... It takes a while for them to finally get it, but it only takes one time that you don't tell them to get off the carpet and all the hard work of training gets unravelled so you go back to square one.

As far as the couch... the really interesting thing is, I was trying to train Bullie to not go on the couch and it took a while and she still wants to get on the couch which is aggravated by the skin people sneaking a couch cuddle here and there... so I was just gonna give up and strike out the no-dog-on-couch rule (by the way, I have to do this because I got a kid with dog allergies, so I was just gonna ban the kid from the couch instead of the dog) so I decided to get rid of the couch and replace it with leather couch.... the new couch comes in and the dogs won't even stay in the room! It took a while for them to lay down on the foot of the couch but I never had any problems with the couch anymore. LOL!


Crazy Bulldog Lady
Apr 11, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
Daisy Mae Hambone & Roscoe Pee Hambone (RIP)
Daisy & I have a "don't ask, don't tell" relationship where the couch is concerned. She doesn't jump up on it when I'm home but i see her snoozing up there sometimes when I'm checking the DaisyCam from work.

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