And so it continues


Jul 10, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
Geoff just doesnā€™t seem to have any luck. Up untill he was 4 months everything was going great then he got a lump under his chin 1st picture. A visit to docs and they said donā€™t worry it will go away over time and he was prescribed antibiotics and steroids and sure enough it did šŸ‘šŸ». Then came kennel cough which was running rampant in our area, he was prescribed a liquid solution which I squirted in his mouth . Week later gone. Then the fun really started as he started scratching himself raw. He got shaved on worst part 2nd picture . Back on antibiotics and steroids . Scratching stopped . Off he was at 25% percent scratching . Intolerance tests came back and I plumped for boneless beef complete ( as per previous post) used Nustock on really bad wound and he started to recover. The scratching is at 10% which I put down at normal dog behaviour. However he started developing little pea sized bald spots on top of head and hair loss, this appears to have now spread down his back . Latest pictures . Iā€™m at my wits end my heart is breaking for him as heā€™s such a good boy. He doesnā€™t seem that bothered by it but I find myself constantly looking at it and fussing over it . I started adding probiotics powder to the raw. Have washed him in medicated shampoo ( what an experience trying to get him in the bath tub). Iā€™m phoning vetā€™s tomorrow to get him looked at but Iā€™m terrified they put him back on antibiotics or steroids as Iā€™m sure itā€™s down to weekend immune system and from what Iā€™ve read I think itā€™s d-mange. I could be wrong though . Iā€™ve tried adding acv to his water but he is having none of it . If gets given antibiotics or more tablets Iā€™m worried we will end up in a vicious cycle. Can I compensate by giving him more priobiotic rich food


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Hi sorry to hear Geoff is having problems at the moment but believe me we DO no exactly how it feels :rolleyes:
Wesley is 10 month old and had kennel cough early on and then has an on going limp which are monitoring which after xrays has been diagnosed as slight elbow dysplasia and he has also suffered from exactly the same skin condition that Geoff seems to have in the last couple of photoā€™s!
After a vet visit we were told it was probably an environmental allergy but we couldnā€™t work out what it was? We donā€™t use any chemical air or carpet fresheners and all his bedding is washed in a natural washing solution.
We bought a medicated shampoo and gave him two baths over the course of about ten days and applied Nustock to the larger patches and it did clear up without any meds after around 2 weeks.
As far as food and supplements go, have you thought of raw feeding?
Did your vet ever do a skin scrape?!! Those last pics definitely look like a possible mange or staph infection... I can't stress enough the urgency to get this under control. Walter had mange, and we opted w/the dips early on... which luckily prevented any future outbreaks.
Hi sorry to hear Geoff is having problems at the moment but believe me we DO no exactly how it feels :rolleyes:
Wesley is 10 month old and had kennel cough early on and then has an on going limp which are monitoring which after xrays has been diagnosed as slight elbow dysplasia and he has also suffered from exactly the same skin condition that Geoff seems to have in the last couple of photoā€™s!
After a vet visit we were told it was probably an environmental allergy but we couldnā€™t work out what it was? We donā€™t use any chemical air or carpet fresheners and all his bedding is washed in a natural washing solution.
We bought a medicated shampoo and gave him two baths over the course of about ten days and applied Nustock to the larger patches and it did clear up without any meds after around 2 weeks.
As far as food and supplements go, have you thought of raw feeding?
I switched him to raw he is now on week 4 , the bald spots started roughly same time as the kennel cough. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m thinking itā€™s the immune system being down and the naturally occurring mites running riot
Did your vet ever do a skin scrape?!! Those last pics definitely look like a possible mange or staph infection... I can't stress enough the urgency to get this under control. Walter had mange, and we opted w/the dips early on... which luckily prevented any future outbreaks.
Calling them first thing tomorrow for an appointment
So met with vet and discussed d mange and the other type beginning with S. also discussed staph . She advised me that as Geoff is on nexguard spectra those shouldnā€™t happen as itā€™s covered by them tablets. She inspected him thoroughly and thinks itā€™s is a bacterial infection. So she prescribed antibiotics for 2 weeks and antibacterial shampoo. Iā€™ve to wash him every 72 hours. Hoping it works šŸ™
We have found that BEEF is the least tolerated protein in would be chicken. The best tolerated, in our experience, has been Duck and Venison. A blood allergy test administered by a VET will give you definitive answers concerning food allergy. That test is pricey but worth every penny, IMO.
I agree that the Nexgard should prevent the Demodectic Mange. If you feel the need to feed RAW you might consider Stella and Chewy's Duck...if it's available to you...or something similar.
We have found that BEEF is the least tolerated protein in would be chicken. The best tolerated, in our experience, has been Duck and Venison. A blood allergy test administered by a VET will give you definitive answers concerning food allergy. That test is pricey but worth every penny, IMO.
I agree that the Nexgard should prevent the Demodectic Mange. If you feel the need to feed RAW you might consider Stella and Chewy's Duck...if it's available to you...or something similar.
He is on raw boneless beef complete from nutriment itā€™s week 4 now and his scratching went from 10 to a 2 over this period . The balding started around 8 weeks ago. Hopefully we see results in the next week or so.
Poor little fellaā€¦ I hope this all gets cleared up soon. Also, as you mentioned, gets his immune system booted, add a probioticā€¦ raw sauerkraut, raw goats milk, Keizer, or herbsmith micro flora
Geoff just doesnā€™t seem to have any luck. Up untill he was 4 months everything was going great then he got a lump under his chin 1st picture. A visit to docs and they said donā€™t worry it will go away over time and he was prescribed antibiotics and steroids and sure enough it did šŸ‘šŸ». Then came kennel cough which was running rampant in our area, he was prescribed a liquid solution which I squirted in his mouth . Week later gone. Then the fun really started as he started scratching himself raw. He got shaved on worst part 2nd picture . Back on antibiotics and steroids . Scratching stopped . Off he was at 25% percent scratching . Intolerance tests came back and I plumped for boneless beef complete ( as per previous post) used Nustock on really bad wound and he started to recover. The scratching is at 10% which I put down at normal dog behaviour. However he started developing little pea sized bald spots on top of head and hair loss, this appears to have now spread down his back . Latest pictures . Iā€™m at my wits end my heart is breaking for him as heā€™s such a good boy. He doesnā€™t seem that bothered by it but I find myself constantly looking at it and fussing over it . I started adding probiotics powder to the raw. Have washed him in medicated shampoo ( what an experience trying to get him in the bath tub). Iā€™m phoning vetā€™s tomorrow to get him looked at but Iā€™m terrified they put him back on antibiotics or steroids as Iā€™m sure itā€™s down to weekend immune system and from what Iā€™ve read I think itā€™s d-mange. I could be wrong though . Iā€™ve tried adding acv to his water but he is having none of it . If gets given antibiotics or more tablets Iā€™m worried we will end up in a vicious cycle. Can I compensate by giving him more priobiotic rich food
Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve been on but this post popped up in my email. My guy who passed had cancer and was put on steroids during treatment.

he started losing fur on his back, similar to the pictures you posted. We found out that EBs are very susceptible to Calcinosis Cutis when they are treated with steroids. Please have your vet look into this too - itā€™s takes some time to treat but it is treatable.
Geoff just doesnā€™t seem to have any luck. Up untill he was 4 months everything was going great then he got a lump under his chin 1st picture. A visit to docs and they said donā€™t worry it will go away over time and he was prescribed antibiotics and steroids and sure enough it did šŸ‘šŸ». Then came kennel cough which was running rampant in our area, he was prescribed a liquid solution which I squirted in his mouth . Week later gone. Then the fun really started as he started scratching himself raw. He got shaved on worst part 2nd picture . Back on antibiotics and steroids . Scratching stopped . Off he was at 25% percent scratching . Intolerance tests came back and I plumped for boneless beef complete ( as per previous post) used Nustock on really bad wound and he started to recover. The scratching is at 10% which I put down at normal dog behaviour. However he started developing little pea sized bald spots on top of head and hair loss, this appears to have now spread down his back . Latest pictures . Iā€™m at my wits end my heart is breaking for him as heā€™s such a good boy. He doesnā€™t seem that bothered by it but I find myself constantly looking at it and fussing over it . I started adding probiotics powder to the raw. Have washed him in medicated shampoo ( what an experience trying to get him in the bath tub). Iā€™m phoning vetā€™s tomorrow to get him looked at but Iā€™m terrified they put him back on antibiotics or steroids as Iā€™m sure itā€™s down to weekend immune system and from what Iā€™ve read I think itā€™s d-mange. I could be wrong though . Iā€™ve tried adding acv to his water but he is having none of it . If gets given antibiotics or more tablets Iā€™m worried we will end up in a vicious cycle. Can I compensate by giving him more priobiotic rich food
I'm so sorry for you and Geoff!! I'm responding specifically to the patches of hair loss - my JackJack developed this issue along with some of the others you have listed, and my vet found it to be a thyroid issue through many many many tests. She prescribed appropriate medication and dosage for his weight and checked his levels regularly. His coat filled back in, itching subsided, and his energy increased. I wish I remembered the name of the meds, but it has been a while. We lost my boy a little over a year ago to unrelated cancer.


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Geoff just doesnā€™t seem to have any luck. Up untill he was 4 months everything was going great then he got a lump under his chin 1st picture. A visit to docs and they said donā€™t worry it will go away over time and he was prescribed antibiotics and steroids and sure enough it did šŸ‘šŸ». Then came kennel cough which was running rampant in our area, he was prescribed a liquid solution which I squirted in his mouth . Week later gone. Then the fun really started as he started scratching himself raw. He got shaved on worst part 2nd picture . Back on antibiotics and steroids . Scratching stopped . Off he was at 25% percent scratching . Intolerance tests came back and I plumped for boneless beef complete ( as per previous post) used Nustock on really bad wound and he started to recover. The scratching is at 10% which I put down at normal dog behaviour. However he started developing little pea sized bald spots on top of head and hair loss, this appears to have now spread down his back . Latest pictures . Iā€™m at my wits end my heart is breaking for him as heā€™s such a good boy. He doesnā€™t seem that bothered by it but I find myself constantly looking at it and fussing over it . I started adding probiotics powder to the raw. Have washed him in medicated shampoo ( what an experience trying to get him in the bath tub). Iā€™m phoning vetā€™s tomorrow to get him looked at but Iā€™m terrified they put him back on antibiotics or steroids as Iā€™m sure itā€™s down to weekend immune system and from what Iā€™ve read I think itā€™s d-mange. I could be wrong though . Iā€™ve tried adding acv to his water but he is having none of it . If gets given antibiotics or more tablets Iā€™m worried we will end up in a vicious cycle. Can I compensate by giving him more priobiotic rich food
We have used this shampoo very successfully with all our Bullyā€™s to control fungal and bacterial (external) issues

E3 Elite Grooming Products Shampoo for Pets, 32 oz.
Geoff just doesnā€™t seem to have any luck. Up untill he was 4 months everything was going great then he got a lump under his chin 1st picture. A visit to docs and they said donā€™t worry it will go away over time and he was prescribed antibiotics and steroids and sure enough it did šŸ‘šŸ». Then came kennel cough which was running rampant in our area, he was prescribed a liquid solution which I squirted in his mouth . Week later gone. Then the fun really started as he started scratching himself raw. He got shaved on worst part 2nd picture . Back on antibiotics and steroids . Scratching stopped . Off he was at 25% percent scratching . Intolerance tests came back and I plumped for boneless beef complete ( as per previous post) used Nustock on really bad wound and he started to recover. The scratching is at 10% which I put down at normal dog behaviour. However he started developing little pea sized bald spots on top of head and hair loss, this appears to have now spread down his back . Latest pictures . Iā€™m at my wits end my heart is breaking for him as heā€™s such a good boy. He doesnā€™t seem that bothered by it but I find myself constantly looking at it and fussing over it . I started adding probiotics powder to the raw. Have washed him in medicated shampoo ( what an experience trying to get him in the bath tub). Iā€™m phoning vetā€™s tomorrow to get him looked at but Iā€™m terrified they put him back on antibiotics or steroids as Iā€™m sure itā€™s down to weekend immune system and from what Iā€™ve read I think itā€™s d-mange. I could be wrong though . Iā€™ve tried adding acv to his water but he is having none of it . If gets given antibiotics or more tablets Iā€™m worried we will end up in a vicious cycle. Can I compensate by giving him more priobiotic rich food
So sorry to hear about Geoff. I know you must be stressed out about this. I did an allergy test with the vet to help determine what the issues were with Voodoo. He was having the baldness down his back and constant scratching. Found out he was allergic to beef and grass and a plethora of other things that I needed to eliminate.
I pray you are able to find a relief for him. Voodoo is better now with the exception of chronic ear infections that I have not been able to relieve for him.
Have you tried charcoal baths? Hopefully you don't have to put him back on steroids. Look up @mayortysonbulldog on Instagram. I find that they have a lot of information that could be helpful. Sending positive vibes and prayers.
Geoff just doesnā€™t seem to have any luck. Up untill he was 4 months everything was going great then he got a lump under his chin 1st picture. A visit to docs and they said donā€™t worry it will go away over time and he was prescribed antibiotics and steroids and sure enough it did šŸ‘šŸ». Then came kennel cough which was running rampant in our area, he was prescribed a liquid solution which I squirted in his mouth . Week later gone. Then the fun really started as he started scratching himself raw. He got shaved on worst part 2nd picture . Back on antibiotics and steroids . Scratching stopped . Off he was at 25% percent scratching . Intolerance tests came back and I plumped for boneless beef complete ( as per previous post) used Nustock on really bad wound and he started to recover. The scratching is at 10% which I put down at normal dog behaviour. However he started developing little pea sized bald spots on top of head and hair loss, this appears to have now spread down his back . Latest pictures . Iā€™m at my wits end my heart is breaking for him as heā€™s such a good boy. He doesnā€™t seem that bothered by it but I find myself constantly looking at it and fussing over it . I started adding probiotics powder to the raw. Have washed him in medicated shampoo ( what an experience trying to get him in the bath tub). Iā€™m phoning vetā€™s tomorrow to get him looked at but Iā€™m terrified they put him back on antibiotics or steroids as Iā€™m sure itā€™s down to weekend immune system and from what Iā€™ve read I think itā€™s d-mange. I could be wrong though . Iā€™ve tried adding acv to his water but he is having none of it . If gets given antibiotics or more tablets Iā€™m worried we will end up in a vicious cycle. Can I compensate by giving him more priobiotic rich food
Poor Geoff. That last picture of his back reminds me of how my Meatball's skin used to look at certain times of year, when he had been itching badly. (I think it was allergy to Fall pollens). I started giving him the contents of an Omega 3, Wild Fish Oil capsule every morning on his food, and it has made such a difference to his skin and fur. He still scratches a bit, but no more scabby, bald patches at all. He even gets compliments on his lovely coat from some of my neighbors.
In the hope of reassuring you (and poor Geoff), I can tell you my Meatball had so many health issues right before I adopted him at 2 1/2 yrs old, that the vet had advised euthanasia. After he came to me, I was told by his previous vet that he was a lovely boy, but he needs to belong to a millionaire!!! Scary and definitely not me! However, he got better as he got older. He turned 12 years old on Aug 1st, and apart from a constant need of eye drops for eyes that had the duct removed due to cherry eye when he was a puppy (!!), he has been a pretty healthy bulldog. I really hope your Geoff will follow the same pattern, and get all his issues out while he is young. You are clearly doing everything you can to help him, and learning as you go, which can only improve his life. Good luck! Meaty and I are sending love to you both.

This is the shampoo from vets along with Noroclav antibiotics

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