And here we go again with Mr. OCD


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
I have mentioned many times on this site how if ANYTHING is out of place Vegas will bark! I have "trained" my husband NOT to put his lunch bag on the kitchen counter after work because it drives Vegas over the edge, :yes: For some reason after living his whole life, well I adopted him at 4 months of age, in this house he noticed the ceiling fan in the dining room and has spent the last hour barking at it, with the fur on his back raised!!!!:lol: AND it is not even turned on!!! He is literally sitting under it, looking up and barking, it never ends with this one!! I need a drink... wait I already have one in my hand, maybe he needs one?!?!?
Awwe! Poor Vegas! Silva is very much the same way she is routinued and likes things to stay the same! Maybe a drink would help! :p
[MENTION=1217]Lacey28[/MENTION], he needs a drink, or a Xanax it is getting very annoying! I actually turned it on and he even went more over the edge, I tried to distract him with his toys, and yes he would play, but always still glancing up at the fan and giving a quick bark, what a strange behavior but with him I would not expect anything less!
Has he stopped barking at it yet?? It has been at least 3 hours!?
Poor Vegas
he needs to learn about weird things , HEhe !!! like Mylar balloons, and soap bubbles, I love to blow them and watch the dogs chase them in the air!
and mine were so challenged when young! they barked at their reflections in the glass windows at night.
AWW Kmarino... Mr.Vegas in needs a hobby lol. Try giving him like a filled bone or marrow bone to distract him but its possible he needs to be desensitized
Orion isn't liking the stocking holder too much....I don't know why.

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[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] ......... Maybe he is trying to tell you it needs dusting... :p
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], he did it on and off for about 45 minutes, then never even looked up again for the rest of the night.
[MENTION=4]Lindathedogsmaid[/MENTION], Vegas loves to chase bubbles too!
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION], that is hilarious, and most certainly would make Vegas bark!! He got over the tree about 20 min. after it was up, now he will bark when we take it down, I am sure of it.
[MENTION=355]gatorfan85[/MENTION], He does have toys that I put treats in, but when he gets "fixated" on certain objects that should not be there, or out of place he has,,,,"issues" LOL
[MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION], I am sure it does it has been a couple of months!!! that is too funny you said that!
[MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION], I am sure it does it has been a couple of months!!! that is too funny you said that!

The reason I said that is that is probably why PG would be barking at it...... if she barked. :p