Allergies and teething


New member
May 28, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
violet elizabeth
Poor violet is having the worse allergies so bad I have to give her benedryl daily I've been giving her a half a pill which is just 12.5mg she's 18.5 pounds now could I give her more? Also she's cutting 2 teeth I feel so bad. Her eyes are pink all around and she's being sweet lol that's how I know she doesn't feel so well. :(

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First off Welcome ! I have been away for a bit and have missed many newbies.
There are SO MANY conditions that can cause this. It is a process of elimination and SLOW changes.
Everyone here has an opinion. Some might even be vets or techs. But each dog is different. So take EACH post, comment and opinion slowly.
There are many common and general conditions related to food and environment.
Elsewhere on this site is a list of dog food ratings. Just because something is a 5,6 7 star does NOT mean that is what you need to have. Each dog is different.
But stay away from the 1,2,3 items. If you change dog food brands, swtich slowly. MANY Bullies are allergic to chicken and grain products. Not all.

Ues metal bowls, plastic can cause irritations.

Your vet can either do a allergen testing or can refer to a specialist. Use, just like people, they are allergic to lots of things.

Don't stress, take small steps. Keep posting, read replies.

Good Day~
Thank you so much for you input makes me feel better. I live in the valley of California. They say if u don't have allergies when u move her you will get them. Poor violet sure has them :( she's on crap food (kiekland) because that's what the breeder was feeding the pups. Ill change her food bowl. She God to the vet in two weeks so ill ask about allergy testing

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"Poor violet sure has them :( she's on crap food (kiekland) because that's what the breeder was feeding the pups."

Kiekland or Kirkland? either way...switch!
I will be more than happy to share what I feed my puppies as a breeder.

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Its kirkland from Costco its $13a bag. I should have switch her when we first got her but she seemed fine with it. Ill take any GOOD advice thanks alot

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We have our 4 month old pup on Holistic Select puppy right now and out adult dogs on FROMM 4 star. They are doing good so far.
I got the Wellness I gave her 1/2kirkland and 1/4 wellness she didn't even notice lol she eats with suck huge mouth full lol

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Oh poor Violet!!! I hope she feels better!! These sesonal allergies are kicking everyones butt this year. Matilda sends smooches Violets way.
Oh poor Violet!!! I hope she feels better!! These sesonal allergies are kicking everyones butt this year. Matilda sends smooches Violets way.

Thanks ill pass em on to her. She's been naughty well either super sweet and lethargic or super mean I know its the allergies. She just keeps getting in so much trouble lol

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Thanks ill pass em on to her. She's been naughty well either super sweet and lethargic or super mean I know its the allergies. She just keeps getting in so much trouble lol

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Lol!! She is in her toddler stage!! Things will get better I promise!!!
Lol!! She is in her toddler stage!! Things will get better I promise!!!

I got het a cow leg to comp on lol she was real into it for about 30mins then eh she was done and back to chewing the drywall on the window seal haha

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