Ador-A-Bulldogs Calendar


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
SoCal rescue sent all of the hospice sponsors of Pearl a copy of the Ador-A-Bulldogs calender and look who I found in November.....

It's none other than [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION]'s Orion!!!


To order your calendar, please visit SoCal bulldog rescue and get yours today, proceeds go to rescue!

Bulldog Shop

I had no idea they were using her photo! I'm a proud mama!! So I bought 2.
Ohh.. Orion... please remember us now that your are famous!!! :luv: And don't forget to brag to Vegas! LOL
She is such a cutie. Now we have a princess and a model. Whew competition is getting heavy. WAY TO GO BABY O!
I got my calendar the other day, it's VERY nice! I hung it in my sewing room. I didn't know we have an EBN celeb, how cool is that!
Orion might want to brag to Vegas...but remember, Vegas was on America's Funniest Home Videos (also know as HaHa by my baby niece) and on the news right before Halloween. He might rub it in. Thanks [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] for letting me know. I had neglected to purchase one..choosing to donate to the site instead. Now, how can I not?
way to go o!!! i havent had time to sit down and look at all the pics but i'll def have to this week sometime

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