
New member
Mar 3, 2015
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all,
We've had our bulldog, Ollie, for about 9 months now. She is just over a year and a half.
She is such a delight and for the most part a very well behaved dog.
There are just a few issues she's been having that we need help on.
Ollie seems to have a fascination with peeing on blankets. She likes to paw at them until they are in a pile beneath her then she pees on them. She never has accidents anywhere else and if we block off any rooms that have blankets there are no accidents. But twice over the past few months she has done this on our bed and last week she went into the basement and did this on a spare bed we keep down there. We also have blankets in her crate and she does this in her crate as well. This used to happen here and there but now it's all the time. We've stopped putting blankets in her crate for days or even a week and no accidents but when we decide she can be trusted again- pee on the blankets again. She has a dog bed in the living room where she does most of her sleeping, the crate is just a safe place we still keep available to her because it was her bed when we first got her. She never pees on the dog bed, just in the crate on the blankets. We do have another dog and a cat so I'm wondering if this could have something to do with dominance or marking territory?
Our other issue is chewing. We do keep the house doggy proofed- nothing on the floor or low tables. But sometimes a book gets left on a coffee table or the hall shoe closet gets left open an inch and we come home to a huge mess. She has a ton of toys and she gets new toys all the time so it's not a lack of toys. And we reprimand her when she does this so she knows it is wrong. But we have yelled at her for destroying a book and she has spent an hour sitting in the corner with her ears low so she knows she was bad... then later that day finds something else to try to chew on. It's like she either forgets about getting into trouble or she just doesn't care.

Any tips would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!


Poopah Scoopah
Community Veteran
Dec 29, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
Sebastion (Sea Bass)
Hi Whitney, Ollie is super cute!
I had some of these issues also when my boy was a puppy. For the most part, the peeing/chewing stopped, but sometimes he "reverts back".
I was able to stay w/him all day, everyday to catch any behavior and correct it immediately, so I think that helped during my training…but if you are unable to, you may have to crate her with the dog bed (if it fits in the crate) since she will not urinate on her bed. Try putting her out right before, then crating for a while, then putting her out side again until she pees and reward her.
With the chewing, I think we just got lucky after time. I did lose quite a few shoes, boots and stuffed animals, but that stopped after the first year. Maybe consider bringing in a trainer to help w/positive reinforcement and discipline if you are able, or try taking her to some classes so she can learn voice technique training.
Hope this helps a little. One other thing I strongly recommend is instead of "no" teach a word that she recognizes to stop or let go that will not "hurt her feelings" if that makes any sense.
Good luck, she's a cutie!!


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
Staff member
Community Veteran
Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
The peeing is definitely a 'marking' thing..... no bedding in crate at all, some dogs just can not have it as they will pee if it is there.

chewing -- continue with the firm NO only if you catch her in the act... correction after you find it and she is not caught, is worthless - she has no understand of why you are reprimanding her and she just thinks you are mad, but has no understanding why --- basically, you are not correcting anything unless you catch her doing it and correct then. If she does this when you are gone, then she should be crated for her own safety and your peace of mind.

Our first two bulldogs could be trusted from the age of 2 to roam the house freely, but our current two, can barely be trusted and are crated if we are gone

good luck!


Well-known member
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May 2, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
I agree with [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] post. Some bullies just can't have blankets,and it's male or female. Some seem to go through a stage of doing it,then quit, and some will always do it. I had a down blanket(supposed to be for dogs) no matter how many times I washed it,they would still pee on it. I had to throw it away! Something about the scent of it. There are some crate pads called "prison beds" that are vinyl covered jeffers has them. If your dog gets into things when you are gone, the safest thing for your "stuff", and your dog, is to crate her. Chewing won't hurt her,but if she swallows something, and gets a blockage,it will be very dangerous. You have to remember, dogs live in the "now" not in the past,and not in the "later". Some will eventually stop getting into things they shouldn't,some never will,no matter how many toys they have.

Michael Colosimo

New member
Nov 16, 2015
Hi all,
We've had our bulldog, Ollie, for about 9 months now. She is just over a year and a half.
She is such a delight and for the most part a very well behaved dog.
There are just a few issues she's been having that we need help on.
Ollie seems to have a fascination with peeing on blankets. She likes to paw at them until they are in a pile beneath her then she pees on them. She never has accidents anywhere else and if we block off any rooms that have blankets there are no accidents. But twice over the past few months she has done this on our bed and last week she went into the basement and did this on a spare bed we keep down there. We also have blankets in her crate and she does this in her crate as well. This used to happen here and there but now it's all the time. We've stopped putting blankets in her crate for days or even a week and no accidents but when we decide she can be trusted again- pee on the blankets again. She has a dog bed in the living room where she does most of her sleeping, the crate is just a safe place we still keep available to her because it was her bed when we first got her. She never pees on the dog bed, just in the crate on the blankets. We do have another dog and a cat so I'm wondering if this could have something to do with dominance or marking territory?
Our other issue is chewing. We do keep the house doggy proofed- nothing on the floor or low tables. But sometimes a book gets left on a coffee table or the hall shoe closet gets left open an inch and we come home to a huge mess. She has a ton of toys and she gets new toys all the time so it's not a lack of toys. And we reprimand her when she does this so she knows it is wrong. But we have yelled at her for destroying a book and she has spent an hour sitting in the corner with her ears low so she knows she was bad... then later that day finds something else to try to chew on. It's like she either forgets about getting into trouble or she just doesn't care.

Any tips would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!

Here's a great website that addresses both issues! Hope it helps and Merry Christmas!
Housesoiling | Dog Star Daily
Destructive Chewing | Dog Star Daily

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