Help Needed! 3yr English Bully Suddenly Aggressive and Stubborn?


New member
Oct 11, 2017
United States
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Hi All,

I adopted my 3-year old English Bulldog a few months ago and he was totally chill and happy. We got him neutered a month later but now he has been acting completely differently over the past couple weeks. He usually was excited to go outside and loved meeting other dogs. The dog park was his favorite outing (for a short period of time before he got tired).

Recently, he has refused to go outside and we almost have to pull him out just to go potty. Usually he's okay once we get outside, but sometimes he will just stop and not move in any direction. Not to keep walking or to go home.

He also has been ridiculously aggressive towards other dogs. These are new dogs and ones he has met many times. He will either slowly approach, sniff a little, then lunge and bark and growl or just start barking once he sees another dog coming towards us. This started off with just a couple other dogs but now it seems to be towards every dog on the street. He hasn't bitten another dog but I'm afraid he will.

He's still totally normal with visitors to our home and loves being around people. I hope this doesn't change.

Any suggestions on how we can help him?


Well-known member
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May 2, 2013
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Perhaps he has decided that now you are his people for sure, and he is protecting you from other dogs.He may have been more insecure before, and now he is Da' man!


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
Agree with Lynn... his insecurities are gone and now he feels at home.

You need to go back to basic training with him.. let him know you are his leader, as that is what he needs, Look up - nothing in life is free'. Very easy training technique that will help settle him down. All humans in house have to use the same commands so he knows to follow. Also, be calm and confident when walking him, he lunges and barks because he nay feel a need to protect if he doesn't see you as his leader.

Good luck and keep us posted

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