

New member
Jun 24, 2010
North Georgia
Bulldog(s) Names
Halo & her Baby Moose & 2 Frenchies Herschel and Margo
Halo had her x-ray done yesterday to count pups and to make sure the pregnancy was progressing.

Well good news everything seems so good so far 3rd time (and surgical implant) is the charm!

From the x-ray we could only for sure see one pup and what looked to be another faint skull just behind #1 but could had just been intestines, this is on day 50 I took a pic of the x-ray which is hard to see but thought I would share anyway as we are super excited just to have a baby in there :D


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How exciting for you! Although I have to admit the xray is even harder to see than the 2 legged babies sonograms. hehe.
How exciting! Do you You show Halo? I don't know anything about pregnancies, how much longer?
We do not show Halo, But we do hope to keep a/the pup and show him/her the sire is a beautiful AKC champion so we are super excited about this pup.

We haven't scheduled the c-section yet but go back this friday to check things out and make plans with the vet, so maybe a week and a half or so until we meet the baby =)
Is there a reason they x-ray vs Sonogram? Just curious. This is all new to me. I have never bred any of my animals.
We do not show Halo, But we do hope to keep a/the pup and show him/her the sire is a beautiful AKC champion so we are super excited about this pup.

We haven't scheduled the c-section yet but go back this friday to check things out and make plans with the vet, so maybe a week and a half or so until we meet the baby =)

don't let them wait too long! Hope that baby is healthy and strong. Congrats! (I love the name Halo)
X-ray I think it only slightly better at this stage to determine the number of pups. I think when we go back friday we will ultrasound to be sure everything looks good.

We only hope everyone comes out great! We are keeping a close eye on Halo and will start taking daily temps tuesday :)

Oh and Thanks my brother named her after a video game :rolleyes: but its fitting as I call her my baby angel face, lol
Ok I have to update! The x-ray picture was taken 8-27 day before the c-section

:heart::heart: Baby pictures :D We are super excited to announce that Halo had 2 beautiful boys via c-section 8-28-10!!! At this point neither are available for sale but I just had to share! <o



They are so sweet, congrats!!! I can't wait to watch them grow, please keep posting new photos. Now what other games does your brother play? I am curious to hear the new names. My son is a gamer and his dog is Xero is named from World of Warcraft.
They are so sweet, congrats!!! I can't wait to watch them grow, please keep posting new photos. Now what other games does your brother play? I am curious to hear the new names. My son is a gamer and his dog is Xero is named from World of Warcraft.

My brother and husband for that matter play a lot of Call of Duty its a 1st person shooter game :rolleyes: when will they ever grow up lol

I made an album on my profile for the new babies "Rhino & Moose" I named them :D the pictures are not the best just quick pics I captured on my cell phone

I will try to update pictures weekly :heart:

Oh they are just so adorable!!!!!! :heart:

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Keep those pics coming!
I just wanted to update, Its been a rough few days. Baby Rhino passed away yesterday. He had a high grade heart murmur and wasn't strong enough to over come it we tried our best.

The other pup Moose seems to be doing very good :heart:
We started bottle feeding him to be sure he is getting enough milk

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