
New member
Oct 2, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
So the story goes , I am a rottweiler person but as a second choice dog I've always wanted and like an English bulldog , they are funny , fun and most importantly a family dog.
So Tuesday just gone, we were given a 4 months bulldog , the previous owner had to let him go because of personal health problems he had so he gave us the pup and paid a fraction of the price as they are very expensive dogs to buy .We are excited as new owners of the breed , we know all bulldogs are different, ours it's taller than normal , big paws , not a huge head but that should grow (I've attached pictures).
I guess its a bulldog it has all the characteristics of the breed but who cares we love our little Floki (the viking) .
Unfortunately he has chest / throat infection (bronchitis?) X Ray was taken he has a lot of phlegm in his body , he finds it hard to breath as his trachea is very small (xray pic attached he is the bottom one and his trachea is very narrow as we can see)and is swollen, he is taking his medication from yesterday antibiotics (this should go on for 10 days approx the Vet said) Question , is their anything we can do because Floki likes to lay on the marble floor and it's COLD could that make it worst ? I read they get heated quickly hot flush LOL surely sleeping on the marble floor should make it worst ?.
And has anyone had their dog operated of the elongated soft Palate ?? How are the dogs after that operation (better ?)
Thanks guys in advance , our family is really happy .
Also what raw things could we feed him ?
Since I've always had rottweilers, I give Floki natural yogurt for breakfast Love's it and its on taste of the wild venison puppy.
4 months old / 5 and weights about 17 kilos.

Let the bulldog journey begin!!....



Welcome to EBN!!! Floki is adorable, and I'm going to tag members who are familiar w/small trachea. I have had the elongated pallet surgery done on both of my bulldogs, and it was successful. My only advice is that you find a knowledgeable bulldog vet in your area, someone w/a lot of experience. Bulldogs can have issues w/the anesthesia so it's imperative to find someone with experience.
Welcome to EBN!!! Floki is adorable, and I'm going to tag members who are familiar w/small trachea. I have had the elongated pallet surgery done on both of my bulldogs, and it was successful. My only advice is that you find a knowledgeable bulldog vet in your area, someone w/a lot of experience. Bulldogs can have issues w/the anesthesia so it's imperative to find someone with experience.
Thank you
What ddnene says. My Monty had the surgery and it made a big difference with his breathing. A good bulldog vet is most important. Floki is a beauty!
Yes Chumly we are looking to go and do the surgery , we are just going to have to wait for this virus atleast 10 days (5 more to go) till the vet can have a look down his throat as right about now it's swollen due to the infection/virus .
This is his x Ray trachea in mm .
The dog hates vomiting so all the phlegm that wants to come out just stays in (I might try that lemon juice on him)
We love floki very much, so we are determined to try fix him and enjoy the years he has with us .
I always suggest put a diffuser where the dog sleeps or hangs around. This will open up the lungs n breathe better. Oils are powerful so don’t change the recipe or add different oils:)

Respiratory/Colds (In a diffuser that holds 1-1.5 Cup water) I only buy from either DoTerra or young living. DoTerra is less expensive both quality Oils.

8 drops of Eucalyptus
8 drops of Peppermint
8 drops of Lavender
3 drops of Lemongrass
3 drops of Tea Tree

if you have a cat, omit the peppermint.
Welcome to EBN…. He is a handsome boy! The gang has given great advice… try the lemon juice to help break it up. And follow Helens directions for some essential oil help
This is a touchy scenario. A narrow trache AND enlarged soft palate are quite a 1-2 punch. The problem is the soft palate surgery may not correct anything if this boy's issues are caused by hypoplastic trachea. Also, the risk factor jumps way up with that narrow trachea. A BULLDOG experienced Vet is extremely important.
BTW, a cold marble floor is just fine.
Welcome,Floki, and family to the English Bulldog family! Hope your health get better!

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