WOW... what an act of kindness


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
As I have stated Vegas is my "empty nest replacement" We are not rich, but we are not poor, We live a very comfortable living on my husbands pay. I only work 20 hours a week as a bartender in a very busy sports bar because that is all I want to work to keep me busy. Today I got into a conversation with a lady about dogs, I told her all about Vegas, and how I had to change his diet, she ask lots of questions because her dog (Akita) has so many allergies, I told her about the grain/gluten free food that we switched to and how much it has helped but it was very expensive...I made a joke that his food cost more than my own groceries. I got very busy and cashed her out, and told her thanks, when I went to pick up my tip (she had already left) it was folded with a note and $40.00 tip on a 10 dollar check. The note said Vegas's next meal on me, enjoyed you and your pictures!!!! Of course I showed her ton's of pics of Vegas from my phone, It really touched my heart. NOT that I can't afford his food and it kind of embarrassed me that she thought that was what I was implying. It was from one dog lover to another. I just wanted to share.
That is so nice! Wow, I bet she will be ever so thankful tho with the gift that you gave her too- the information on great dog food is worth that tip. Plus you are just awesome anyways, who wouldn't leave you $40?
I wouldn't be embarresed I dont think she meant it that way. It seems more like a thank you and how do u think a bartender or waitress TIPS , I use to waitress too lol
That is so nice! Wow, I bet she will be ever so thankful tho with the gift that you gave her too- the information on great dog food is worth that tip. Plus you are just awesome anyways, who wouldn't leave you $40?

[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], aaww Thank You for your kind words!! Wow that just puts icing on the cake, Now for my 3 day weekend, (I only work Mon-Thurs.) my husband has to work all weekend so it's just me and Vegas...wondering what we can get in to, a bath is definately on the schedule for him, he is SMELLY!!
That was very nice of the lady but equally nice of you to share your knowledge with her. Speaking of bath, we just switched Gracie to Selsun Blue and after only one use so far she no longer gets that 'doggie smell'.
I agree with what everyone has written so far. It's nice to hear about the nice people versus the mean ones.... NOW go buy some more dog food!!!!:lol:
thats great what a sweet lady!!! maybe when she comes back you can give her a drink on the house for being sooo generous!!!
You earned that tip and know you did. How sweet of her to leave such a generous tip! Obviously you touched her in a way that made her feel like leaving it, Very nice to hear! :)
[MENTION=1428]Dad to louie[/MENTION], I feed Vegas Nature's Variety Grain/Gluten free, Instinct brand food. He also gets a couple spoons of yogurt in the morning and in the evening along with fresh veggies for snacks (baby carrots). I started him on the Salmon and he did great, switched to chicken for the next bag, not so great, this bag he will be going back on the Salmon. He loves it and it has helped his allergies tremendously.
What a lovely story! So nice to hear a good story for a change. I agree with everyone else, she obviously wanted to do what she did.
That is so nice to hear .... that lady has a good soul! :D
Having been a server and bartender myself I know how much people value someone they can talk to and relate to especially if she was at the bar alone. I definitely think she was just trying to be clever by saying Vegas' next meal is on me not that you can't afford his food. That is awesome, if I were that lady I would have tipped you $40 too :)
This is an old thread..but [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] reap what you are a kind generous person and I'm not surprised a fellow doggie person would appreciate you!! Now..if an old guy comes in like the country song "People Are Crazy!"..and leaves you his better share!!

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