Who needs ADT when you have the Bully Alarm..


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
Bulldog(s) Names
So last night it was about 1:30AM EST when me and the furkids were watching a movie while I was finishing a school assignment when we heard a loud BANG!! Well idk if it was human or animal but The Bully Alarm WENT OFF!!!! All 3 jumped up ran to the back door and went into protect and serve mode, Georgia went from room to room with me checking the house. I have never felt so safe. After we checked things out I walked to the sliding glass door with all 3 still there and opened the door to have a full forced malitia runn out the to make sure the coast was clear for mom. I dont know about everyone else but I feel that my bulldogs have bonded with us and see us as their family and will protect us as so. So i say who needs ADT when you have the Bully Alarm ...lmbo:yes:
yes i feel alot safer w lex around anything out of the ordinary he will let us know about it. bo "lab" on the other hand would meet the stranger w all tongue lol!!!
o and i think the only time lex moves really fast is at a strange noise lol
o and i think the only time lex moves really fast is at a strange noise lol
Mr.Beey is the same way, i guess he recognises the regular noises so he sleeps thru them but if its a strange noise he is up!! chest poked out both teeth(as opposed to one) showing and the scariest gargling growl and deep bark I've ever heard
Well, Bertie will hear a noise and come running and barking. Her bark when she hears noises is like a vicious huge dog! BUT, if she saw a person, she would be there trying to lick and paw them to death!
First of all if it was a stranger, Vegas would charge that person wanting his butt scratched while licking them all over, if it is a strange noise, he will hide behind my legs and give a low growl. I did an experiment with my husband once, to see if Vegas would protect me. I laid on the floor screaming HELP and Joe was on top of me, holding me down while I was yelling, the only thing Vegas did was want to join in on the fun!!
My dogs all would want butts scratches too. Esp. if you have a treat in hand... then I'd be in trouble. Although, China would be the protector for mommy. WHen the hubby and I wrestle, she goes after him.
My boys would both protect us at least as much as they can. Mugsy is the overall protector (or thinks he is) until he is afraid of someone then he will back up while barking or growling. lol. Cutty has gone into protect mode a few times when hubby works late and comes home in the middle of the night so I am sure he would handle himself ok. I too love having them as my alarm, I can sleep sound at night knowing that they will wake me up if need be.

Stig would probably be the same too! He'll hide behind us when he's scared or if he sees a person, he'll just greet them and ask for a scratch! We'll see what happens when he get older.
the only stranger Chester would attack would be the pizza delivery guy..and not because he was afraid he was trying to steal us :w00t:
ya lex seems like a bad "boy" gets a deep bark but then sometimes hell let a high pitched "girl" bark out lol... and i love how he seems all bad then backs up ahhh what laugh
Dang I thought I responded to this already. Anyway Samson is the same way, he gets very protective but it comes out more when daddy is gone. Especially when Dave isn't home, he is an outdoorsman, so lots of time randomly during the summer for fishing and being a hunter its a regular thing Sept-Jan. If Daddy isn't home Samson gets particuraly senstivie to random sounds and runs around with that stiff tough guy run. My bubba is very protective of his mommy :)
Dang I thought I responded to this already. Anyway Samson is the same way, he gets very protective but it comes out more when daddy is gone. Especially when Dave isn't home, he is an outdoorsman, so lots of time randomly during the summer for fishing and being a hunter its a regular thing Sept-Jan. If Daddy isn't home Samson gets particuraly senstivie to random sounds and runs around with that stiff tough guy run. My bubba is very protective of his mommy :)

Yes! When my hubby is gone working or something it is amazing how much more alert Cutty is! Almost too alert and barks at every noise even. lol. I love it! Oh and he sleeps in daddys spot on the bed as if he knows he is taking his place. So cute!

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