Now, if I were a nurse and were doing triage by "symptoms" alone,


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
and not knowing it was a bully..a nurse would think:

severe snoring? Most likely sleep apnea. Needs some CPAP.

snots? a URI - probably needs a Zpack and some fluids/rest.

severe gas and belching? probably needs a endoscope and a colonoscopy but in the meantime, try some simethecone

Droopy jowls? - thinking CVA - (stroke), maybe a Cat Scan is in order, but in any event get to a stroke center immediately..

Bad behavior? - ADHD - Ritalin..or maybe early onset dementia? may need some long term care placement.

All of the above?? Good luck, find a plot and order the headstone :p
LMAO ... love the droopy jowls bit!!

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