Where is your bullies favorite snoozing spot?


Staff member
Jan 27, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Molly, Mandy, Jesse, Yuna & Tidus
Where is you bulldogs favorite places to snooze? I notice mine have their "spots" they prefer. Molly's is near the desk where Lisa is most of the time, Tidus loves a particular spot on the back patio, Mandy like cool floors, Jesse is just about anywhere/everywhere, and Yuna likes hidden spots.

What is your bullies favorite place to relax?
Depends on where I am. lol. Mugsy prefers to be on the back of the couch where he can protect the neighborhood from anyone walking by. Cutty will sleep on the couch also usually if he is in the house and I am busy. If I am in the office they are both under the desk sleeping. Neither boys go off to sleep in crazy spots really. You can almost always find them there or with me somewhere.
Anywhere I am!!! If my hubby is home he is laying on his chest (HA like to see what happens when he is full grown!). At night he sleeps in my bed and I usually wake up with him on my neck. He lays across my husbands waist so we call him a bullybelt.

He doesn't really sleep off on his own anywhere yet!
Yup, pretty much anywhere I am :) Samson pretty much always just wants to be by me, I go in the garage and don't take him he crys, go outside without taking him he crys at the door, go upstairs without taking him he crys. He does love to sleep on our lazy boy and at night he sleeps with us in bed. Sometimes at night he sleeps in his bed that lays next to our bed.
under my computer desk or by the door waiting on me. fergie is my awesome Protector who in her mind is 10 feet tall
If we are sitting watching tv (notice I say sitting) Vegas will crawl onto his daddy's lap. (He has an ottoman and sits back with his feet up) O likes to curl up on my left side and leans into my leg. Now if I'm horizontal on the couch, it's a different story. Vegas will climb behind me (which requires moving the cushions on the back of the couch) and will throw his arm around my neck, muzzle over my ear...Orion will lay in the bend of my knees. Ohhhhh, sometimes Vegas likes to sit exactly like his dad, then throw himself backwards. If we are up and moving, both Vegas and Orion love to lay where ever there is sun.


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Where ever I am, if I am watching TV he's on the couch. If I am on my lap top he's under the table.


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