When do you know it is time?


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Community Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
Eau Claire WI
Bulldog(s) Names
Abby 13 (RIP), Bella (6), Betsy( RIP), Frenchie: Oliver
This past week we have had a time with Abby. She is on Rimadyl daily for her joints, but still has a terrible time with walking. She has gotten to the point that the past 2 days, after eating, she will just poop and pee right there next to her bowl when she is done.We are always in the family room once the bowls are down and when we have gone up, there it is. She will go and lay down after she has done it. Funny thing is, She lays down next to the sliding glass door, the one she would use if she waited.
She has never done this before. She is 9 years old and I am worried she is getting to that "time". I have never had to worry about making "the decision". She walks as if she is in pain, when she has to walk far. So, other than sleeping, eating and going out (when we can convince her) that is all she is capable of doing. We have to pick her up to bring her to bed (stairs) and there are times when she will pee at the bottom of the stair while she is waiting for us. We make sure she goes out before we head to bed, but she will still pee at the foot of the stairs.
I am not sure if this is normal when they get to the end. Or if this is maybe a sign of a bladder condition. However at this point, it isn't just urinating.
When we put Max down... he had a look in his eyes like he was ready. It was themost hard decision I have ever had to make... but I knew I was doing it for HIM!! I couldn't be selfish and keep him here for me.

I guess the best time is when in your heart you know it's time. No one can tell you. It's between you and Abby. With the look in her eye... you will just know.

Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers!
When we put Max down... he had a look in his eyes like he was ready. It was themost hard decision I have ever had to make... but I knew I was doing it for HIM!! I couldn't be selfish and keep him here for me.

I guess the best time is when in your heart you know it's time. No one can tell you. It's between you and Abby. With the look in her eye... you will just know.

Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers!

I agree. I've never had to make the decision myself but from what other people tell me thats about it. I'm so sorry :(
I dont even want to think of making this decision myself either but like bulldog family said you will know in your gut. I have no experience with this so not of any help with the urinating or anything. :(
I am so sorry you are going through this, it's never easy.

You can talk to your vet but the bottom line is no one knows your Abby better than you. Spend some quiet time with her, if you can. Listen to her, pet her, talk to her - I truly believe that she will tell you the right thing to do.

There are no easy answers here but we are thinking of you and here to support you.
That is what is so funny. She has never let me snuggle with her before. Every time I'd got to hold her in bed, she would move to my feet. She loves to touch me, but not feel confined. Well the past week she is coming up to my chest to snuggle with me. Problem is, that is where Bella now sleep and they get in a shuffle trying to prove who should be near me. I end up resorting to the guest room and letting them have the entire side of my bed.

I guess this all makes me feel a little better. She is doing things that are sort of signs, but she hasn't shown me she is truly suffering. If she wants something, she will walk for it. She can still get mov'in when she needs to. She will just regret it later!
I don't really know her health history, but could it be arthritis making it painful for her to walk. Maybe it's the pain of walking that is making her pee right where she is rather than have to walk outside. Just a thought ......
I don't really know her health history, but could it be arthritis making it painful for her to walk. Maybe it's the pain of walking that is making her pee right where she is rather than have to walk outside. Just a thought ......

OOoops sorry ... just re-read the original post and noticed the rimadyl. I would talk to your vet and see if there is anything else you can give her. I know that humans don't respond to some arthritus drugs and sometimes it's trial and error to find the best one for them. I would assume it's the same for dogs ...
I agree. Abby will let you know when it's time. I'm reading a book right now called "Rescuing Sprite" by Mark Levin. I came to a part in the book that made me stop and put my book down. I'm going to share it with you.
"It hurts unimaginably to say good-bye to a best pal, but balanced against the unconditional, unqualified love and devotion we receive for the time we have them, it may be the best and most inequitable deal known to man".
I'm unable to imagine the heartache I will feel when the time comes to make that decision for my fur-babies. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I would for sure take her to the vet... maybe meds need to be changed, maybe urinary track infection ..... JMO
she may also be experiencing incontinence? I think that is what it's called. It comes with old age in dogs, they just can't hold it very long and they just go potty. I don't know if there is anything for that, I know us humans have "depends" but not sure what is available for dogs.
There are diapers for dogs. Bella used them when she was little. I have an appointment next week. My vet does acupuncture and my thoughts are maybe we can try a couple sessions and see if that helps her. I have been massaging her the past couple days and she actually has perked up a little. Last night NO accidents. My hopes are that it is just something she is going through for the moment and not a sign that the end is coming. Thanks for all of your help.
We had to put our cocker spaniel down last year. He was deaf in both ears, blind in one eye and then his other eye started to go. He started to walk into things and "look" scared and you could tell he didn't know what was happening. A dog is not as intelligent as a human, and doesn't understand what is going on when their bodies give up. I knew that he did not have a good quality of life anymore, and was more scared than happy. VERY hard decision, {{{hugs}}} to you! :heart:
Thanks Lisa. Abby eyes are starting to cloud over and she walks very close to objects, walls etc. So I know her she is having difficulty seeing. But always manages and she still does perk up when someone enters a room or she sees something. In fact when I say "cookie" she is very alert.
Abby is in my thoughts && prayers!! :heart: I hope & maybe it just maybe the medication? Hopefully the vet apt goes well and he has good news. Please keep us updated. your in my prayers!!

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