Want to share a secret


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Stopsley, Luton, Bedfordshire, England
Bulldog(s) Names
036.jpg I've been looking for a permanent companion for Reggie for 3 months without any luck then I found a litter sired by world champ and this is the 1 I'm being offered.
It's not a definate hence the secret as she is soooo expensive but I wanted to share her pic with the community if only for the Ahhhh factor. I'm smitten:heart:
Oh she is beautiful. Looks like she is snow white!
OMG OMG OMG I want an all white one. You are so lucky!!! Adorabull...
Huge Ahhhhhh factor!!!!

She looks so cute!! :heart:
What everyone has said...... plus a huuuge AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!
precious!!! watch out though as she gets older she might get more spots on her. lex only had spots on his ears and as he's gotten older the more hes gotten on his body!!
Update ???????????
I have an appointment to view on 23rd - I will go armed with the digi camera and post more updated pics. Can't imagine the partner allowing me to arrange this without it being a confirmed 'yes' I can have her!!!! I have to leave a deposit at that point and get the date to collect which will be around 23rd November which is coincidently Reggies' 1st birthday so I think this was meant to be (and also what I think my partners credit card is for - tehe:lol:)
Thankyou for all your lovely comments(hug) - I was just bursting to tell someone about her.

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