Urethral Prolaspe


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Va Beach, VA
Bulldog(s) Names
So yesterday while playing with Winston his earth worm came out and I noticed something very odd...now I have been on travel a lot lately and probably should have noticed sooner, but this caught me completely off guard.

His Penis has a rather large red swollen bulb at its tip. I had never seen anything like it. I did some research and I found out that its something called Urethral prolapse, it when the urethra comes out of the tip of the penis.

Its very common in brachyosophalic dogs especial during their ealry developmental years.

So I took him to the vet and they confirmed the research.

I was just wondering if anyone else had heard of this and if they could tell us their experiences and how much it cost them to fix it.
oh no! poor guy. my friend has a puggle whose penis came out and wouldn't go back in, but that's obviously a different condition. the surgery to fix him was 4k, but it was really intrusive. They probably just cut off the prolapse and suture it so probably only 1k. you can call around to a few different vets and request pricing. Does it hurt winston? does he bleed from it?
In August, we paid off a bad bully breeder to get a sweet 2 year old male bulldog. When we picked him up he had a urethral prolapse and paraphimosis (his penis stuck out all the time about 1 - 1.5 inches). The breeder said it was because he was lazy and wouldn't "hold it in". Obviosly not the case. We took him to a specialist and had him evaluated. Since the breeder let his urethral prolapse go on for so long, they decided it would be too risky to try and correct it so they just tried to fix the paraphimosis. The first surgery didn't work, so they had to try another method. We are 3 days post opp and so far "the car is still in the garage" so they've been saying. :) They said they would not fix the prolapse unless he became clinical. I have read that having the dog neutered may correct the prolapse. Not sure if this is your case, but regardless it needs some attention.
My bully boy got a urethral pprolapse before he was six months old, it was repaired when he was desexed at six months but didn't last, it was repaired again when he was five and had surgery for urate stones but dind't hold then either so he lived his life with it just had to take care and watch for any infections!
Try this again.... I hate when I lose every thing I write when I am almost done.
Chesty had it when he was young. The way we found out is that it bleed.... all over the place, walls, floor.... everwhere. I thought he cut his foot. We took him to Petsmart, BAD idea, they wanted to fix him and fix it at that time. We took him to our vet we have and he said NO way did he have to be fix to take care of the problem. Chesty also had soft palet problems and the vet said that really needed to be fixed to save his life or one day we would lose him because of it. (it causes problems breathing) so we took him in and they did the soft palet drilled his nose (part of the soft palet surgery) and fixed the Urethral Prolaspe at the same time... Chesty is the father of Baby O and Charlie, Mello, and Baby Echo.... and he has never had a problem since.
Hi Wnstnsddy,

This is my first posting but we just went through this with our 8 month old, Willie G. About two weeks ago we noticed a little dried blood on Willie's underside and leg but couldn't locate the source. We have a Corgi and thought maybe they had scratched one another while playing; however, the next day we found more blood in the same location. I checked him more thoroughly and found that his penis didn't look right so I did some online research. It appeared to be a urethral prolapse but this was on a Friday evening and the vet's office was closed. On Saturday we found more blood but this time there was a significant amount of it but not enough that it scared me. We put a diaper on him to keep from dripping blood on the carpet but about an hour later we found that the diaper was full of blood. This scared me enough that I drove him to the emergency vet clinic 45 miles away.

The emergency vet confirmed it was a urethral prolapse and he had an artery bleeding intermittently. He said that the bleeding still wasn't enough to warrant emergency surgery and he recommended that we try to control the bleeding until Monday. We did this and there was a great deal of bleeding until Monday. Our regular vet recommended that we leave him at the hospital for observation and they would monitor him. At the time, Willie was not bleeding. They also recommended we try a conservative approach and treat with medication. A short time after we left the vet called and advised that Willie was bleeding again. I think it surprised them how much blood there was because I'm sure that some people over exaggerate such things but she was shocked at how much he was bleeding. She recommended that they amputate the prolapsed portion and while he was asleep they would also neuter him. The surgery was done with a laser and went very well.

It has been two weeks since the surgery and he is still bleeding occasionally but it is continuing to heal. The bleeding has been minimal and only occurs when he becomes overly excited.http://www.englishbulldognews.com/forums/members/wnstnsddy.html
wow i have never heard of that. thanks for all the info on it... hope hes doing well
I forgot to include what it cost. I am sure it varies by vet and region but the office visit, surgery, neutering, post-op medications and other essentials came to around $850.
Goodness. I have never heard of this...guess we learn something new everyday. I hope ur babies...willy gets better soon

Thanks for the responses. So I spoke to our vet and she said so long as it was not bleeding and staying moist it was okay. This Friday we're getting him nuetered and she said that she would suicher the prolapse and that he should be fine. Cost for the two procedures is estimated in unpwards of 950.00.

Thanks again everyone.

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