Update on Princess- Her lump...


New member
Apr 6, 2011
Austin, Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
Princess, Boss Lady P, P Dawg
Hi everyone,

The vet aspirated her little booty lump! After looking at it under the microscope, he said it looked like it was a abscess. So he gave her an antibiotic and he said it should go down in a week. If it doesn't than it may be something else. But he really thought it was an abscess. So we will just keep our fingers crossed!

Thanks for everyone being so sweet and encouraging. Y'all are the best.

Erika and Princess (P Dawg):hug:
Glad to hear Princess saw the Vet and he checked her out. Hopefully she will respond well to the antibiotic! Keep us posted.
One day I was scratching Heff and i to found a "little bump" that quickly grew to about a dime size.
Long story short the vet told me it was a histiocytoma (google it).
We finally had to have it surgically removed.
Glad the vet thinks that's all it is we will keep our paws crossed the antibiotics work. Princess looks like a very sweet girl so we will keep her in our prayers she is OK.
Hope the swelling goes down quick and doesn't come back.
Hope the antibiotics kick in quickly so princess will feel better please keep us posted and please take care of yourself too P
I hope it goes away quickly to ease your worry!!
Glad to hear that it's something that can be treated so easily. Hoping and praying the vet is right!!

Give the Princess an extra kiss from all of us at EBN!! :luv:
Y'all are the best! Thanks again..and if it doesnt get better I will let y'all know! Hopefully the antibiotic will kick in. I hope the vet is right!

Erika and Princess:heart:
oh she is absolutely adorable and im so glad they dont think its anything. will be thinking of her and hoping she gets better soon. :hug:
Thank you..I hope it is just a abscess! She wasn't acting herself today and didn't want to eat breakfast. She finally did, but the vet said the antibiotic may upset her tummy. I hope he is right! We will be keeping an eye on her. My boyfriend is checking on her at lunch today!

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