Tuesday morning fun with Vegas and Orion....


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
So, my mom-n-law is pushing the lever for icecubes and nothing is coming out. So instead of looking into the problem, she continues to push it until the freezer door pops open. Still, she pushes it until I come to the rescue. I explain..."it's jammed up and won't give you an icecube until you clear it". So I grab a bucket and start cleaning up the mess...I don't know if Vegas understands that he's just adding to the caos instead of helping. Vegas truely lives up to his middle name. Vegas Marley. Orion has the same middle name. I'm so original. Really, is there another middle name that would fit them?
So, I'm trying to pick up all the ice and as soon as I do, Vegas knocks the bucket over. I pick it all up again and grab my camera..here is what happened then...
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They are suuuuch a big help cleaning up, aren't they... ;)
YAY another O and Vegas video, I live for these and haven't seen any in a while so THANK YOU!!!!

They are too funny!!
Love the way Vegas just keeps knocking that ice bucket over ... such a smart bullie!!!
Vegas B loves ice also, when we go out on the boat I dump the entire container of ice from our ice maker into a cooler, he has his head in the cooler eating as fast as he can and I let him have a couple mouthfuls before I close the lid, Joe does not know that his beer is being mixed with Vegas slobber and ice in the cooler, he would puke!!!! lol.
Vegas B loves ice also, when we go out on the boat I dump the entire container of ice from our ice maker into a cooler, he has his head in the cooler eating as fast as he can and I let him have a couple mouthfuls before I close the lid, Joe does not know that his beer is being mixed with Vegas slobber and ice in the cooler, he would puke!!!! lol.

Ha ha Samson runs as soon as he hears someone get in a cooler. We're a beer drinkers and have had our fair share of parties so it is a sound he has come to know well. He shoves his face in and eats as much as he can as fast as he can. It never bothers me and it has never seemed to bother anyone else, I never even thought of the slobber aspect LOL

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