Help Needed! Torn Cruciate Ligament??


New member
Apr 18, 2019
Menifee, CA
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello. I have a 2.5yr old bulldog, Bear. I took him to the vet last week because he was limping. He actually had been limping since (maybe) April. But, he would just limp a few steps, then seem to walk normally. This would occur off and on (mostly off). He also walks diagonally - I'm not sure if that is relevant. The week before I took Bear to the vet, he was limping everyday and for most the the day. The vet did an orthopedic exam where she manipulated and felt his legs. She said he has a torn cranial cruciate ligament in his right knew (and a slight one in his left) and needs surgery. She doesn't perform surgeries herself; a specialist that goes to their office a few times a month does it.

My question is this: Without having taken any xrays or scans, how can she tell that he needs surgery? Are there options other than surgery? I am going to get a second opinion from a vet that actually performs the surgery. What questions should I ask?

Thank you all for the help.
Also, should I continue to take Bear on his daily walks?

Definitely a second opinion.. but so specialist can tell by how the leg moves or doesnā€™t move.

I would limit activity until you get second option. Are you giving any supplements.. like Movoflex?

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Yes second opinion but if heā€™s limping, limit activity until you know whatā€™s going on.

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Hello. I have a 2.5yr old bulldog, Bear. I took him to the vet last week because he was limping. He actually had been limping since (maybe) April. But, he would just limp a few steps, then seem to walk normally. This would occur off and on (mostly off). He also walks diagonally - I'm not sure if that is relevant. The week before I took Bear to the vet, he was limping everyday and for most the the day. The vet did an orthopedic exam where she manipulated and felt his legs. She said he has a torn cranial cruciate ligament in his right knew (and a slight one in his left) and needs surgery. She doesn't perform surgeries herself; a specialist that goes to their office a few times a month does it.

My question is this: Without having taken any xrays or scans, how can she tell that he needs surgery? Are there options other than surgery? I am going to get a second opinion from a vet that actually performs the surgery. What questions should I ask?

Thank you all for the help.

Vet can almost for sure know the torn ACL from external check-up, there are symptoms even bystander can see - like dog holding their affected hind leg like a ballerina on the toe and straightened, or even not touching ground, stretched backwards. Then there is a symptom when they make a special movement in the joint with their hands, which shows that there is no ACL holding the knee. Iā€™m pretty sure there are some more, but Iā€™m not a specialist:)
About the second opinion - just ask her who she recommends as an orthopaedic surgeon, and go straight to see them, these doctors usually have all X-ray and MRI at hand, or, even better, arthroscopic equipment (small camera to look inside the joint).
I think your doc didnā€™t make an X-ray just to save you money, as any orthopaedic surgeon wants to do X-ray himself, and in a position he can see all, and also who knows when you get an appt with them, and they want the freshest shots, so I think itā€™s better as you wonā€™t pay twice.
Sorry to hear about Bear but yes a good vet can tell with an external exam and an X-Ray doesnā€™t really help as cartilage doesnā€™t show on an X-Ray.

I asked the same question of our vet when Dudley had his operation.
Definitely a second opinion.. but so specialist can tell by how the leg moves or doesnā€™t move.

I would limit activity until you get second option. Are you giving any supplements.. like Movoflex?

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I have not been giving any supplements. What is Movoflex?
Thanks, everyone. Bear will be getting TPLO surgery tomorrow on his right knee. The left knee will be done after the right one has healed.
Thanks, everyone. Bear will be getting TPLO surgery tomorrow on his right knee. The left knee will be done after the right one has healed.

Please keep us posted

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Bear is doing well. He is more alert today and limping around the house a little. The doctor said that the sooner he started using his leg the better. I follow him around like a nervous mom making sure he doesnā€™t hurt himself. He is also hungry as I was told to only feed him half his usual portion since he wonā€™t be as active as normal. I canā€™t wait until he is completely healed.

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