Thinking of sponsoring a hospice dog...


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
I read this story about Pearl tonight. Sometimes these stories get you deep in your heart and you want to do more. This was one of those for me....

Pearl will never be adopted and needs sponsorship. I simply cannot afford to sponsor her alone, but I then I had an idea. What if we all pitched in together and sponsored her? The members at English Bulldog News?

Let me know what you think. It may be just a few dollars a month if most of us chip in. What do you think?

Pearl's Story
by SoCal BulldogRescue on Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 11:09pm


Pearl (aka Hula Girl) came into Rescue from the animal shelter in January 2009. They estimated she was 7 years old. Pearl was crated her whole life and used as a puppy machine. Her legs and elbows did not develop properly since she was crated and was unable to walk. When touched she cried in pain… but that never stopped her tail from wagging! Pearl went directly to our vet for an exam and spay and it was discovered that she had a softball-sized tumor on her ovary. The doctors determined the tumor was cancerous and gave her 4 – 6 weeks to live.

A dedicated Rescue volunteer took her home for hospice care. Pearl was very sick and took quite a long time to recover. She would try to stand, only to tumble over. But, as the days turned into weeks and then months, Pearl seemed to get stronger and was able to take a few steps. Now, nearly two years later, Pearl’s tail continues to wag as she returns to a happy life. She needs daily medications and supplements, and requires special prescription food. Please open your heart to this girl and sponsor her so she can live out her days in comfort and happiness – she deserves it. :pray:
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That is much would we be looking to raise for her per month?
I have requested more info from SoCal bulldog rescue. As soon as I know more I will post :)
That is so heartbreaking, she has such a sweet face. Makes you even more angry at these puppy mills doesnt it? I mean she cant even walk?!?!? SAD!
Okay, I had an idea. (OH NO NOT AGAIN!!) Their sponsorship is done simply by donation amounts, so I contacted them and told them we would like to do a monthly sponsorship, not just a one time thing. So to begin, our goal will be to get enough sponsors to be able to pay for Pearl's food and medications, which totals $130 per month.

How are we going to organize such an event? With doing it monthly? Well, I created a subscription where members who want to become Hospice Sponsors can subscribe. Now that our eyes have opened up to the world of Hospice English Bulldogs, I am sure we will be able to find more to sponsor and have many discussions regarding the dogs we sponsor. I have asked SoCal if they can provide us with updates and pictures of Pearl rather than items for our donations.

I have created a board that will be open for all hospice dog discussions for hospice sponsors. If you become a sponsor, you will gain access to this board and receive an award for your award showcase. I have yet to make the award, but of course I will get started on that right away.

If you are interested in becoming a hospice dog sponsor, please visit our subscriptions link:

Thank you to those who are interested in helping us make a difference in a bulldog's life! (hug)
The Award has been completed. I decided to use Pearl's face for this, since she was the inspiration for the new program.

This is a fantastic idea, she has such a beautiful face, after just losing my boy I have been looking for a worthy cause to celebrate his life, this is it!!!
This is great! I work with hospice everyday for my clients at work so this is very dear to my heart!
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[MENTION=951]dontshop--adopt[/MENTION] it is already set up as a subscription service. Just click on the link in post #6 and the sponsorship is below the 4 paw membership. It will automatically take out your donation once every 30 days:)

If we reach the goal amount, then we can all discuss another hospice bully to support in the new board. I think this is going to be a excellent program/fundraiser.

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