Thank you!

Beauregard Maximus

New member
Aug 2, 2010
Many thanks Lisa for helping me find the newest member of my family a few months ago. You helped put us in touch with a breeder in the Midwest who had a English bully puppy with potential health problems and needed to find a home and family to love him. And we do! I'm glad to report that our little Beauregard "Bo" Maximus is doing great and growing fast! He's our first English bulldog and we couldn't be happier with this breed and personality.

Just wanted to give an update and let Lisa know that her efforts really paid off. Thank you so much for all the phone calls and emails to help us make it a reality.

All the best,

Wonderful news, glad you posted. You are very welcome, and we are so glad Bo has a wonderful home!
I wanna see some pictures too! Welcome! So glad you are here!

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