Tear stain/runny eyes CLEARED UP!!


New member
May 7, 2016
San Diego
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
To those who are having trouble with tear stain/ runny eyes problem buy DESITIN!
My bulldogs eyes were constantly wet and stinky and we tried everything, witch hazel, cornstarch, peroxide, eye cleaning wipes and nothing works. A friend told me to try desitin (for babies rash) and it cleared up within the next day! We were pretty amazed! So if you guys ever run into this problem I would recommend trying desitin. You can buy it at your local drug store, target or Walmart.

Here are some before and after pictures! :)


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It's great stuff but be very careful not to get it in their eyes!
Yes I totally agree! Be careful I would use a cotton swab and dab it little by little :D
Thank You for sharing this information. I will definitely try it. Blossom has a bit of tear stains as well.
To those who are having trouble with tear stain/ runny eyes problem buy DESITIN!
My bulldogs eyes were constantly wet and stinky and we tried everything, witch hazel, cornstarch, peroxide, eye cleaning wipes and nothing works. A friend told me to try desitin (for babies rash) and it cleared up within the next day! We were pretty amazed! So if you guys ever run into this problem I would recommend trying desitin. You can buy it at your local drug store, target or Walmart.

Here are some before and after pictures! :)

GREAT!!! I'm starting today! Be sure that I understand, you didn't clean with anything to remove stains? You just used the desitin?
Yes just desitin :)

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you for the heads up! I will definantly check that out
We have used it before too, but don't anymore, we switched food and their allergies got better.
It's important to treat the cause of the symptom. The symptom is teary, runny eyes. The tears, in turn, cause the staining. Yes, we want our bullies to always look their best but finding what's causing the runny eyes is important too. Most of the time it's allergy related with the possibility of a secondary infection. Entropion dogs will have teary eyes due to the irritation of the cornea.

Every bulldog that comes into our home with tear stains initially gets a 1/4 teaspoon of Tylan in their morning food for 2-3 weeks...or as long as it takes for the staining to disappear. It works every time. This treatment is never more than 3 weeks.

The food we use is grain free "NOW" and it's rare that we have to switch foods to something else. Please note that nearly 95%+/- of the itchy allergy dogs that come through are cured with the right food. One of our current "itchy" rescues did not improve with the NOW Senior food so we switched him to an alternate brand's Duck formula and finally Salmon. He's doing great now and has been for many months. The tear staining he came in with was treated with Tylan and has not returned even after being off of it for several months.

It's good that the Desitin worked but it's time to determine what causes the runny eyes so that it doesn't soon return.

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