Some advice for our new pup!


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2017
Middle Georgia
Bulldog(s) Names
Bella (EBD) Roxy (pit mix) Tyson (pit mix) Sadie (boxer)
So our new pup has two spots, one on each leg, not sure what caused them or what thy are. Hot spots, possibly? What can I do until we can get him in for his first vet visit?
Coconut oil?
I did see a flea which means he has more I know.
I gave him an oatmeal shampoo bath.
Bella has adjusted better then we ever expected. We just have to get into a new routine with feedings now. Any advice? He wants to go to Bellaā€™s dish (she normally wouldnā€™t let any of our other dogs near it) but has let him. And of course he wants her food instead of his own. He is not really a fast eater, thank goodness!


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So our new pup has two spots, one on each leg, not sure what caused them or what thy are. Hot spots, possibly? What can I do until we can get him in for his first vet visit?
Coconut oil?
I did see a flea which means he has more I know.
I gave him an oatmeal shampoo bath.
Bella has adjusted better then we ever expected. We just have to get into a new routine with feedings now. Any advice? He wants to go to Bellaā€™s dish (she normally wouldnā€™t let any of our other dogs near it) but has let him. And of course he wants her food instead of his own. He is not really a fast eater, thank goodness!

Has she been itchy? Looks like a allergy hot spot. Have the dogs been playing? Could be a wound from playing possibly too.

What food are you feeding her??

Kin+Kind outdoor shield spray and shampoo helps with fleas and ticks, apple cider vinegar too helps.

I highly recommended avoiding Nexguard, or any flea or tick or mite or heartworm chews cause they cause neurological issues like head tremors and seizures and sometimes death.
We just got him Saturday and he had been with his three other litter mates. The donā€™t seem to be anything like a bite from that.
The more I looked online I donā€™t think they look hotspots either because they are not red or pink. One side actually looks like just fur loss with dry skin the size of a dime.
I will be calling the vet this morning to get him seen asap!
He has settled in great and Bella is putting up with him fairly well!!


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We just got him Saturday and he had been with his three other litter mates. The donā€™t seem to be anything like a bite from that.
The more I looked online I donā€™t think they look hotspots either because they are not red or pink. One side actually looks like just fur loss with dry skin the size of a dime.
I will be calling the vet this morning to get him seen asap!
He has settled in great and Bella is putting up with him fairly well!!
Millie had exactly what you photographed and described above. Sometimes they show up as welts and sometimes dry spots. Sometimes the spot will be red and sometimes it will be an open sore. A couple of times the sore showed up in her ear or tail pocket. If it shows up where you aren't already keeping good tabs then it can get worse quickly.

I believe they are allergy related, and I tried all kinds of things to resolve it over the last 10ish months. It's possible you're seeing environmental or flea allergies.

For the last four weeks Millie has not had any welts (except for a brief period in the middle which I will explain below)... Some of the changes I made benefitted her more than others, and there is one thing that seems to have made them go away completely:

What we did
  • Switching to Pro Plan Sensitive Skin - we did this about 5 weeks ago. Purina is hated on these forums, the Pro Plan is working better for me than Orijen. Millie was on some form of Orijen for most of the last 10 months except for a trial of RC, and a couple Fromm flavors both of which caused tear stains. The Pro Plan didn't fully resolve the spots but her stool improved tremendously immediately after switching and now that we have her spots under control her coat is really starting to shine. We switched a month ago.
  • Soaks in Chlorohexidine - I posted about that here: /threads/allergies-yeast.63683/#post-787517 . This won't keep the spots from coming back, but if you end up with spots that are actually sores then a soak will dry the sore up.
  • No more baths. And when she does get a bath we rinse for far longer than seems necessary and then do a Chlorohexidine soak before drying and cold blow drying - until she is very dry.
We also give her a probiotic and bovine colostrum. Neither of those seemed to make a difference, nor did Quercetin. She's been on the colostrum for a couple of months and a probiotic for 6ish months.
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You got a new puppy? Geez I missed that one. So happy for you guys. What a cutie. Hceril is like Nyala, she will teach puppy whatā€™s right n wrong. Why she allows puppy to eat in her bowl and get into her pool floaters or maybe lolll

Duke my previous one, as a puppy he use to get them often. Itā€™s caused by stress. I thought it was a start of a hotspot but wasnā€™t. Use your finger nail n youā€™ll see it scraped off along with hair. You might see it turned red n maybe a bit of blood caused by the scraping. Also had it tested at the vet n he said wasnā€™t a HS. Shave around it n add NuStock. It will go. Stress was caused by Nyala playing rough with him, new home, away from siblings etc. He even had bright red blood in his stool. All stress. Spots n stools took about a couple months for it to disappear for good.
I sure am hoping itā€™s stress.
We just got him Saturday. He is already a part of the family. Bella has been a great big sister and he has been very submissive to her.
I donā€™t think she will share her float but she has shared her favorite ball for the most part. I wish I could download videos with having to add them in YouTube first.


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I sure am hoping itā€™s stress.
We just got him Saturday. He is already a part of the family. Bella has been a great big sister and he has been very submissive to her.
I donā€™t think she will share her float but she has shared her favorite ball for the most part. I wish I could download videos with having to add them in YouTube first.
Marking on face almost like Bellaā€¦Too cute
Yes they are very similar!
Bella around the same age is the first picture and new pup!


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It looks like common Staph infection to me. Vet will likely prescribe Cephalexin for 4 weeks. Our experience has determine that 4 weeks is often not enough so we always dose for 6 weeks. In the mean time apply Douxo Mousse to the affected area once a day. If the Cephalexin doesn't work then do a skin scraping.
Work on building that immune system!
It looks like common Staph infection to me. Vet will likely prescribe Cephalexin for 4 weeks. Our experience has determine that 4 weeks is often not enough so we always dose for 6 weeks. In the mean time apply Douxo Mousse to the affected area once a day. If the Cephalexin doesn't work then do a skin scraping.
Work on building that immune system!
We have a vet appointment this morning!
We just got him Saturday and he had been with his three other litter mates. The donā€™t seem to be anything like a bite from that.
The more I looked online I donā€™t think they look hotspots either because they are not red or pink. One side actually looks like just fur loss with dry skin the size of a dime.
I will be calling the vet this morning to get him seen asap!
He has settled in great and Bella is putting up with him fairly well!!
It might be mitesā€¦ get him checked/skin scraped for manage
The vet said it was staph and he also has coccidia šŸ«¤ put him on Albion and metronidazole and a probiotic and gave us some medicated shampoo.
The vet said it was staph and he also has coccidia šŸ«¤ put him on Albion and metronidazole and a probiotic and gave us some medicated shampoo.
Puppies having parasites when they get to their new home is not uncommon. You might want to treat Bella as well.
Albon and Metro for the Coccidia but nothing for the Staph? I'm guessing your Vet is expecting a return visit.
Albon and Metro for the Coccidia but nothing for the Staph? I'm guessing your Vet is expecting a return visit.
I thought the same thingā€¦ stap with no treatment

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