Help Needed! Skin condition


New member
Dec 30, 2018
USA (Cal.)
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone.
My name is Ivan, I have a 19 day old litter of 8 English bulldog puppies. They are all doing well, gaining weight and appear to be thriving. Mom is doing a great job of caring for the pups. A couple days ago I noticed two of the puppies had what appear to be dry scabs under the hair. One has it located on its back. The other on its tail and a new one appeared on his right tigh. Any idea what this could be? I am concerned, what should I do? All your help is greatly appreciated.
I'm going to tag some members who can help...
Hi everyone.
My name is Ivan, I have a 19 day old litter of 8 English bulldog puppies. They are all doing well, gaining weight and appear to be thriving. Mom is doing a great job of caring for the pups. A couple days ago I noticed two of the puppies had what appear to be dry scabs under the hair. One has it located on its back. The other on its tail and a new one appeared on his right tigh. Any idea what this could be? I am concerned, what should I do? All your help is greatly appreciated.

It could be mites... have you had a vet look at them?
Thank you for your help! They were checked by a vet and he was not much help. He said it was common and if the scab Pealed off, to allow mom to lick it as much as possible. He didn’t have much to say about it.

- - - Updated - - -


These are the scab like patches I am talking about. The one on the tail appeared first and has been dry for a couple of days. The one on the tigh appeared a couple of days ago. It feels dry and flaky. The hair is covering most of it. You can barely notice it.
We tagged a few breeders hopefully they will be along soon

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Might be a mild staf infection that a medicated shampoo may clear up after acouple baths , as long as the patches are not oozing or have a putrid smell you probably could wait until pups are alittle older. Good luck and please keep us all updated

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