She pees when she gets too excited!


Nov 1, 2017
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Angus and Brando
Our 4.5 month old puppy has been almost perfect in every way, but this is the first puppy we have had that pees when she gets too excited. When she was younger, she almost always pee when she started to sit, but that has now gone mostly away. Now, if she gets too excited and she starts to sit, she will leak a small bit. She has no problem holding it in her crate overnight or for extended periods of time whatsoever, or if she's not sitting. I'm wondering if she has some sort of issue with her bladder or if this is something that she might grow out of. Thanks for any advice.
Our 4.5 month old puppy has been almost perfect in every way, but this is the first puppy we have had that pees when she gets too excited. When she was younger, she almost always pee when she started to sit, but that has now gone mostly away. Now, if she gets too excited and she starts to sit, she will leak a small bit. She has no problem holding it in her crate overnight or for extended periods of time whatsoever, or if she's not sitting. I'm wondering if she has some sort of issue with her bladder or if this is something that she might grow out of. Thanks for any advice.

If she has no problem over night she has no issues with the bladder. Lots of dogs will leak if excited. Whenever you walk in a room try to ignore her (which Iā€™m sure itā€™s hard) and just walk around first before talking to her or bending over her for a belly rub or petting etc. Let her calm down first before anything. Same rule for the whole household!! Everyone has to be on the same page when it comes to doggy rules. Start with that n see what happens. Will take time like weeks n not hours. Patience!!! :)
Thank you Helsonwheels. It's weird because it doesn't usually happen when she gets excited around guests or around other family members. Mostly around me. Maybe it has to do with me being the pack leader and she's a little scared and excited around me? Since I'm mostly the only one that does the training/disciplining.
Thank you Helsonwheels. It's weird because it doesn't usually happen when she gets excited around guests or around other family members. Mostly around me. Maybe it has to do with me being the pack leader and she's a little scared and excited around me? Since I'm mostly the only one that does the training/disciplining.

Well there you go you answered your own question :) if itā€™s only you, do ignore her n no talking or eye contact till she calms down.
Louie used to piddle when he was younger when he got excited. As he grew older, it stopped. Growing up we had a female Old English Sheepdog and she always did a little piddle when excited. I don't know if it ever stopped.
I think her probelm is threefold...she's submissive and she's very happy and she loves your attention. Those are good problems to have, both of you!
I think her probelm is threefold...she's submissive and she's very happy and she loves your attention. Those are good problems to have, both of you!
She's definitely not submissive with her brothers, she pushes those two guys around all the time. lol

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