Red swollen eyes


Jul 9, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
My bully has itchy and swollen eyes. I give her Benadryl but she is still rubbing against the couch and itching it. Any ideas?


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Poor girl, I deal with this too with Vegas due to environmental allergies. How much Benadryl did you give?? You can give 1 pill per 25 lbs. So Vegas weighing 58 lbs. get's two. Another thing I do is take a cold wash cloth and wipe his eye's. If she will let you try to leave the cool wash cloth on her eyes. Poor Girl!!
My bully has itchy and swollen eyes. I give her Benadryl but she is still rubbing against the couch and itching it. Any ideas?

Poor girl, they do look very irritated! Ouchie! She may have a dermatitis on her eyes from the constant rubbing, and the more she runs to relieve the itch; the worse it will get. There is also not many external products you can use because it's her eyes. You may want to have a visit with the vet to come up with a safe treatment plan and have them check her eyes for any infection or ulcers.
Poor girl, I deal with this too with Vegas due to environmental allergies. How much Benadryl did you give?? You can give 1 pill per 25 lbs. So Vegas weighing 58 lbs. get's two. Another thing I do is take a cold wash cloth and wipe his eye's. If she will let you try to leave the cool wash cloth on her eyes. Poor Girl!!

same thing with Banks during the summer... i also took her to the vet and they gave me an ointment to place on the skin around the eye

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