
New member
Aug 19, 2014
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello all. Opie has never had eye problems before so I am seriously unsure of his current issue. I would love to get some feed back from you guys. I don't think it's cherry eye as there aren't any pumps present. Currently his eye is not bugging him, no pawing or rubbing. He does play pretty hard in the backyard with an exercise ball, so I was thinking maybe he may of scraped or hit the area against a tree or fence, maybe trauma? There isn't any more tears than normal and no discharge. As of now his right eye is much redder than is left, but it does have some color to it as well. I will attach some pictures. his eyes appear a darker red than these pictures show. But if it is something, hopefully not, we have got it early. Any input would help. We still haven't found him a new vet up here in Montana. Theyve been red for about 3 days now
Opie Eye.jpegOpie Left Eye.jpegOpie eye 2.jpeg


  • Opie Right Eye.jpeg
    Opie Right Eye.jpeg
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I would just get some eye drops, or ointment from the drug store. He may have gotten some dust in it, or got poked with a weed,or blade of grass.keep and "eye" on it.
Will visine be ok? Sorry if that's a dumb question but it kind of scares me
It should be fine-if I have a doubt, I usually ask the pharmacist.
Yea -- looks like allergy related, just like we get --- you can try some Benedryl too to see if it helps lessen the redness, but regular eye drops will help too
Doesn't look too bad to me. Probably just some irritation. Yes, you can use visine, but just use the regular plain jane kind. Nothing extra. Another thing we use for Tyson's eye is just simple saline. I just this to wipe his eyes, and clean around them :)

Hopefully by now they look better!
Hi, I'm back. Today Opies eyes are no longer red but he is having a hard time opening them now, looks like he is squinting, and he is very lethargic. We have an appointment at one of the offices here in town tomorrow evening. Has anybody experienced this? Im hoping it is just irritation and allergies but since he's so lethargic I am worried
Poor guy. If he lethargic something is definitely not right. Maybe he has an infection? Is there any discharge? Is he eating & using the bathroom normally?

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You might also ask them to see if he has any eyelashes rubbing just to cross that off the list..Prayers for your baby

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Hi, I'm back. Today Opies eyes are no longer red but he is having a hard time opening them now, looks like he is squinting, and he is very lethargic. We have an appointment at one of the offices here in town tomorrow evening. Has anybody experienced this? Im hoping it is just irritation and allergies but since he's so lethargic I am worried

Please keep us posted....

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His lethargy has gone away, which is good. His eating habits are the same however he has been drinking more frequently and has had some accidents in the house lately.
The vet visit went ok last night. She couldn't find much wrong and thinks it could be a bacterial infection, she gave us some ointment to out in eyes twice a day. We are actually going to make an appointment to go back Saturday as he woke up this morning and his eye was very gooped up and much more swollen. They said to give the antibiotic some time to work so hopefully by Saturday he'll be better.
As for his peeing she does think that it could be related as he is he trying to drink more to clear what could be wrong with his eye. She also said if it isn't better soon to take him back in for a possible uti.
I feel frustrated as I don't feel she really answers our questions or helped, but time will tell. And we most likely will try another vet this weekend.

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