Really Bad Scare :(


New member
Feb 17, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all so yesterday was a really bad day for me and Emmitt.. I was getting my lunch ready for work and my 5 yr old let one of our gates up and Emmitt went into our room and chewed on my fan chord.. I heard him screaming and I ran in there and he was getting electrocuted I had to pull the plug out of the wall and took him to the vet. They kept him all day for observation.. And he burnt the inside of his mouth he is on antibiotics and they gave him cortizone.. Thank you god that that's all that happened... I wish it didn't happen and I feel soo guilty like I didn't have him in my sights for that couple of minutes. I just hope it doesn't affect him in the future.. So I bought new gates and bolted them into my walls where the gate swings back and shuts! I also unplugged everything that's not in use. I just needed to vent bc I feel so bad :( but he is good now playing biting still, and he can still eat and drink :)
Oh Man Im so glad he is ok. Hugs to Emmitt
Wow, I can't imagine how scary that must have been! Emmitt is such a cute little pudgy, I'm glad he is doing okay!!!
Good Gawd... leave it to a bully!!!!!!!! Crazy animals!
Im so glad he is ok! :)
whew, so glad everything is okay. It is scary when something like this happens. You can't blame yourself, things like this happen even when we know where they are.
Oh my! I am so glad he is doing well! Hugs to you and your baby! :hug:
O You poor thing! :cry: I bet that was very scare. Poor Emmiitt! But it is not your fault...puppies are curious and they chew on is impossible to have your puppy or your kids in white 24/7! Maybe it shocked some sense into him! :) Bet he won't bite on anymore cords! The past is the past and forget about it....he is okay and that is the important thing. I lost my daog a couple years ago...he got hit by a car. Now if anything makes you feel bad that would. But it was not my fault was no one's fault. He was at my aunts and my mom and her were watching him and let him out to potty. :( you just never know when things like this can happen! You got a cutie just snuggle him tight tonight!
Oh myy! I had such a scare a few weeks ago. Soo glad everything turned out ok. Fast thinking on your part! Soo scary though!
scary!!:scared: glad to hear he is did the right thing mama!
You didn't freak out. You got him to the vet. It wasn't your fault at all. You can't possibly watch them every second of the day. He is OK is the only thing that matters. And hopefully he learned a lesson. :)
Oh jeez! Well count your blessings everything turned out ok, it could've been worse. Like they say-sh*t happens, so don't beat yourself up over it. ;)
Poor baby dog, so glad he is OK. Quick thinking on your part to pull the plug and get him to the vet.

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