Proud New Owner!!


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Hey everyone my name is Kevin and I was googling for some bulldog tips and came upon this site. So far I enjoy the site and plan on visiting a lot. Now i have to show off my new and first english bulldog. His name is Gus and we got him on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. He is 9 weeks old and so cute (even though he bites sometimes :bully:). Here are some pictures. (If this is in the wrong section sorry)





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Hi Kevin, welcome to the site! Gus is adorable! He has wonderful eyes!

Don't forget to enter the photo of the month contest each month :)
Aw, Gus is so cute! Such a tiny little baby! Congrats on your new bully and welcome to the club!
Welcome!!! I think I am in love again, what a gorgeous puppy!!! I am so glad you found this board. My bully is 9 months old, we got him in April 2010 at 9 weeks. He has filled our lives with so much joy and you will become obsessed!

This board has been a great support for me in learning to be a great bully owner, falling in love with everyone else's bullies and it just feels like a family. Not to mention the wealth of information you will get. Beware though, this board is super addictive :)

Again welcome and post pics anywhere!!!! We love pics, as much as you can post:heart::bully:
Gus is adorable!
Lots of chew toys and redirection to them will eventually stop the biting.

We look forward to watching him grow up!
Wow Gus is adorable!!! I have Maggie who will be 3 VERY soon and Daddy who is 17 weeks. I"ve learnt so much from this site, and I'm sure you will too!!

WELCOME!!!!! :up:
He is just to cute... Welcome to you and Gus. you will find lots of helpful things from this site.. Hate to tell you most likely you will get addicted to it and will be here all the time lol... By the way I am owned by two bullies. Chief (almost 2) and Ireland 3 months...
Welcome to your new addiction! Gus is absolutely cute. You can post pictures where ever you want! Make sure to submit some of your photos into the photo of the month contest that we have each month. We also have a great area for videos... bullytube! So whatever you catch on video or on photo we'd love to see it. Thanks for sharing. Gus is super cute!
Welcome to the group! Gus is just adorable! I have two 6 month old girls, Gertie and Ida. I joined here the day after I brought Gertie home and it's amazing all the great things I've learned here. You will love this group!
Hey welcome to the site! Gus is one handsome little dude! My bertie will be one year old on January is soo hard to believe that I have had her this long already! You will find so much helpful information here on the forums. If you ever have any questions or can't find an answer to something you are looking for , just ask! We're all here to help each other!
Oh my Geez what a cutie!!! u can never post cute pics in the wrong place rofl. Welcome to u and ur new baby Gus....what a doll
wow gus is adoraBULL makes me miss the puppy stage..... take lots of pics and cherish his puppy stage cause they grow up sooo fast and then you wont beable to pick him up anymore :*(
Welcome Kevin. Gus sure has that adorable thing workin for him LOL We never get tired of bulllie pix. :)

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