Proud Mamma


New member
Dec 21, 2010
South Dakota
Bulldog(s) Names
I am happy to say that Louie had no accidents in the house yesterday. Every time he needed to go potty he went outside to do so. I think his 'cousins' aka my sisters dogs helped him with his potty training progress. Hopefully he continues his good behavior :up:
That is such good news!!!! If only, Daddy were so quick to learn!! :crazy:
Yay Louie very good boy. As for Daddy, [MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] I still have issues with Bear at 10 months. YIKES he marks everywhere outside and i have to constantly watch him in the house or he will just stop and go with no warning, he doesn't let me know when he has to go out i have to watch for signs so its irritating, lol.
:up: Yea what a treat not to have to clean up in your home!!
way to go hopefully he'll keep it up, but watch out they will turn on ya and he might have accidents every day for a week!!!
That is GREAT!!!
Jozi has the number 2 outside
down. But still wants to number 1
where ever she is standing when the
mood hits her.
That is really great!! Give the other dogs a high-paw for helping :)
YEAHHHHH just watch close, there will be a few days something slips by.
Great job Louie! Brodie did so good for a while and then regressed but so far the past 3 days have been great and no accidents!

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