Poor Bacon


New member
Sep 9, 2010
West Branch Iowa
Bulldog(s) Names
Last night when at work i received a text from Bacon's dad Kyle that informed me that Bacon had a pink thing hanging out of his eye. When I got off work I called and Kyle said he had been out at his parents farm and when they were leaving he noticed Bacon's eye was swollen, and he remembered our breeder telling us this sometimes happens because of allergies, so we gave him benadryl before he went to bed last night.

When we woke up this morning it was gone, and I was sooo happy, I thought yes the benadryl worked quickly. Well I got excited a little to quickly, he started playing and rubbed his face on the ground and out popped the red part of his eye. Well now Im afraid its cherry eye. :(

I contacted the breeder, and I think this might be under our guarantee, which i hope it is! We have only had him for about 5 weeks.

Hes not in pain which is good, but does it look awful. Im going to keep him on benadryl for at least today and see if it helps. fingers crossed :pray:
Awwww that is so upsetting! Bacon may be allergic to something he got into at the farm- give it a couple days and see if it goes away. Poor wittle Bacon! :(
Cherry eye is very common! Vegas went in for a blood draw and got stressed out. He came back from the blood draw with cherry eye. Thankfully, it popped back in once he settled and calmed down. Cherry eye is probably not on the agreement....I wouldn't think. I wouldn't stress out about it too much. There is a video on how to put it back in if it happens again. Keep in mind this is just temporary.
Here is the link.
Thanks guys! So far it hasnt gone in on its own again today, but who knows maybe when he goes to sleep. I will try the massage and see if he will hold still long enough tonight, (I have had to work again all day so he hasnt had a lot of playing time yet) Thanks for all the well wishes and the advice! I will keep you update on how it goes! And just like all the links said he was playing with another (bigger) doggy when it happened.
hope everything goes good will be hoping bacon gets better soon
For an Update:

Bacon woke up today with his eye completely swollen shut. Gunk all over and inside it. He kept trying to rub it and scratch it... this is when I decided to get a hold of my breeder again to see what she says. She thinks maybe there is something in his eye causing problems... she wanted me to call her vet and see what they said to do... she knows they have a lot of experience with bulldogs, and they are very good. I had to call and leave a message, she said they should get back to me today. So right now were playing the waiting game. I gave him more benadryl hoping it would bring down some of the swelling and help the gunk. :(
put a warm wet rag over his eye can you look in the bottom and top and see if anything is in there?
Oh nooooos!!!!! Poor sweet little Bacon.... yes, he could have something in it or even scratched it while playing. Of course it is a weekend which does not help you at all. If you go to walgreens or another pharmacy you can get some eye flush and eye lubricating ointment to try to help him be comfortable if you have to wait until tomorrow. Please keep us posted, I am all in a tizzy now because I have had problems with Tidus scratching his eyes and causing ulcers.
Did you by chance give him a bath after the farm? If he is allergic to something, the pollen may still be on his fur and skin, bathe him along with all the other suggestions. Hope he is better real soon!
Hey guys- sorry our internet when out here yesterday. Well Bacon has a vet appointment today @ 11:30 so we have an hour and a half of agonizing waiting. Today is the worst yet... im almost sure it is infected,white puss coming out of his eye and now nostril too. i know he is in pain so hopefully i can keep him from scratching and rubbing it til we can get some help. He wont let me near is eye to try and get a damp cloth to it. right now im stuck. :*(

i took a pic when he woke up this morning. ill get it up here
bacon 4 033.jpgbacon 4 035.jpgbacon 4 036.jpg
Just got home from the vet. He definitely has cherry eye but there is too much infection to fix it right now. The vet said that he is afraid there might be and ulcer so he was hessitant to treat the infection with an antibiotic steroid eye ointment since the steroid is bad for the ulcer. Instead he gave me eye ointment to put on 2-3 times a day for 7 days.. "Neomycin and polymyxin b sulfates and bacitracin zinc ophthalmic ointment" he also gave us a rimadyl 25 mg half a tablet twice a day (steroid i believe to bring down the swelling of the eye). Next monday we have a check up, if the infection is gone we will proceed with the cherry eye surgery, if not we go back again on Thursday to try and do the surgery. Hopefully the ointment helps!

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