Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
Does your bully do the Sourmug? I notice some of my bullies are more Sourmug than others, but none of them compare to my queen of sourmugs- Baby. She was my very first bully, and always made a sourmug face. She would frequently fall alseep sitting up, with that 'look' on her face.

I miss her, she was such a beautiful bully!

Here is her classic sourmug face:


I need to get out my scrapbooks and scan more of my photos of Baby. I have so many of them, but unfortunately this was before the 'digital' era. Love you :heart: Baby :heart: xxoo
re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

Bentley was the king of the sour puss too. Maybe him and Baby are up in heaven together being moody and missing us as much as we miss them? :luv:

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re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

This is Vegas's sourpuss face when I told him he was done in the pool and it was time to go inside, lol, HE is TOTALLY POUTING!!!l

re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

I think I have the winner here! :eek: (which you've all seen! LOL)

re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

love the pic [MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION], I have one of Silva that is so similiar will post it!
re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

[MENTION=1217]Lacey28[/MENTION] that is funny are they related? :)
re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

I don't know if this is sourmug or just plain po'd!

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re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

I have three boys that have good sourmugs...

Winston after a nap...


Oliver recovering at the vet and wanting to come home!
re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

100_1877.jpgChunk's pouty face, prompted by the fact he wanted to play and I didn't.
re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

Does this qualify as a soursmug? (hug)

re: Photo & Video theme: Severe English Bulldog Sourmugs

[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] & [MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION] - I'm in class right now and you two are making me tear up ... ***xoxo to Bentley and Baby

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