New R.E.A.D. Team here!!!


New member
Feb 17, 2011
New Jersey
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So after Tubs and I successfully completed the Therapy Dog Certification course, I sent away for materials to become a Reading Education Assistance Dog (R.E.A.D.) Team. Tubs had the easy part for this one. He is already certified as a therapy dog, so he got to lay around while I read the book and took the test!!!! I passed with 100%! So not only are we going to visit nursing homes, hospitals and rehab centers, but we are also planning on going to libraries and schools to have kids read to our Tubby Boy! I had to laugh because throughout the book it mentioned what to say if the dogs feel asleep and the kids became upset that they weren't listening to them. It said to just tell them that the dogs are concentrating hard on what they are reading, so they have to close their eyes. Well, I don't think I can get away with that one!!! As I type this Tubs is laying at my feet snoring very loudly!! I think that will only work on doggies who don't snore! :ROFL: I can't wait to get started. I will be making several calls today to get things set up for our first visit. I went around to a couple of places to ask about volunteering and then Tubs started getting scabby bald spots on one side of his body. I had to make sure he was healthy before I started taking him around other people. We can't figure out what it was, but he seems to be getting better. I brushed him last night, he is shedding like crazy, and he was all flaky. I am going to bath him today and see if we can get our first visit scheduled for this coming week. We also have a teacher in our school district who won the Great American Teach Off this past year. She is running a tutoring program for Military children. I just submitted an application for Tubs and I to volunteer with the children there! I am so excited to get out there and see all of the smiles he puts on everyone's faces!

:help1:Question: Tubs is not an alpha by any means. He is such a big baby and a very good listener (at least to his mommy). He was neutered at 5 months old. Before getting neutered he didn't really hump anything. He seems to hump more now, but it is only when I take him places and he gets really excited. He doesn't do it ON anyone or anything, so I don't think he is trying to be dominant. I think it is him just getting excited. I went to visit a friend and her little boy for the first time and they were just standing there petting him and he started humping the air. Once he stopped he was fine the rest of the visit. Is there anyway I can keep him from doing this? I don't want to be embarrassed every time we go some place to visit!!!:ashamed:


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
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The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
Congrats on another achievement! Happy humping I have no idea... Mine do it to me all the time!! :eek:

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk :)


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Lupe (or Lulu)
This is great! Bully's have so much special energy...all dogs do, but I've seen Lupe b-line for the sickest or saddest member of a group multiple times. What a wonderful gift you are sharing, especially with new readers!


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Fontana, CA
Bulldog(s) Names
Wilson & BabyGirl
Congrats! What a wonderful career for TUBS and very rewarding for you both! advice on the humping, sorry.

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