New Here & New Bulldog Owner!


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Penelope Lue (Penny)

I have been to this site numerous times and have lurked for awhile. I have found all of the information here super helpful!

My husband & I brought home our first Bulldog, Penny, in May. She is 14 weeks old.

She is a complete joy, and we can't imagine life without her now!

I am beginning to do more in depth research on foods, and I am hoping to find some good info here. There is SO much information out there to sift through & digest.

I'm looking forward to learning more about the breed in general, and I love seeing everyone's pictures.
If this works right, I've included a picture of our girl

I have been to this site numerous times and have lurked for awhile. I have found all of the information here super helpful!

My husband & I brought home our first Bulldog, Penny, in May. She is 14 weeks old.

She is a complete joy, and we can't imagine life without her now!

I am beginning to do more in depth research on foods, and I am hoping to find some good info here. There is SO much information out there to sift through & digest.

I'm looking forward to learning more about the breed in general, and I love seeing everyone's pictures.
If this works right, I've included a picture of our girl
View attachment 8759

aaawwww ... [MENTION=2594]MissPennyLue[/MENTION] ... your baby is just gorgeous!!! :luv:

I love it when lurkers finally join ... it just shows that you have taken the next step to EBN addiction!!! :evilha:

But seriously, as you've obviously worked out from all your lurking, your girl's food is the most important thing. Get that right and you will have a happy girl and a happy wallet from all the money you'll be saving at the vets!!

REALLY looking forward to seeing more of you on here!! :up:
aaawwww ... [MENTION=2594]MissPennyLue[/MENTION] ... your baby is just gorgeous!!! :luv:

I love it when lurkers finally join ... it just shows that you have taken the next step to EBN addiction!!! :evilha:

But seriously, as you've obviously worked out from all your lurking, your girl's food is the most important thing. Get that right and you will have a happy girl and a happy wallet from all the money you'll be saving at the vets!!

REALLY looking forward to seeing more of you on here!! :up:

Aww, Thanks so much for the warm welcome!
:welcome: Penny is absolutely adorable! Looking forward to seeing a lot more of her!
Welcome to the world of Bullies, you have found the perfect site. Penny is absolutely adorable!!!
You will soon learn that this place is addicting and we LOVE photos, as often as you take them!
Welcome to the site and Penny is adorable! Since you have lurking you know to ask any questions you may have and of course like everyone said LOTS of pictures!!
Awwwwwwww.... Penny is a sweeetie !! But one pic? Uh, you know better than that... WE need pix... (plural) ... LOL :welcome:
welcome to you and Penny, but pics are not enough, videos work well with us too!!!:heart:
Welcome to the site and let me say Penny is ADORABLE. but really like [MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION] said "but one pic?" really? haha. We need more please please please. Also like [MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] said her food is very important. You may have already read it but if you haven't there is a very good article about food comparing the different brands in the forum section.

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