
New member
Nov 28, 2018
Pike Road, Alabama
Bulldog(s) Names
We just got our first EBD this week and already falling in love with this breed. Awesome site with a bunch of good people and info so thanks! Got some Fromm Puppy gold and will slowly transition her to this from Costco food. Millie is 12 weeks today and we had our first vet visit. Got her started on heart guard today and just need to see about flea and tick control now. Vet visit went good however he wants me to think about letting him open up her nose a little. Not the full blown procedure that a lot of French bulldogs and English bulldogs get but something he said were he makes and incision and pulls some back and stitches it. He said itā€™s been real successful before even to the point where it has avoided a surgery later. He said her nose wasnā€™t terrible but it wasnā€™t great. He labeled it as moderate and just wanted me to think about it, any thoughts. So thoughts on flea preventive and also minor nose tweek, thanks! C7A7B1C2-9647-4ACE-A588-5CCA7873BAD1.jpeg
We just got our first EBD this week and already falling in love with this breed. Awesome site with a bunch of good people and info so thanks! Got some Fromm Puppy gold and will slowly transition her to this from Costco food. Millie is 12 weeks today and we had our first vet visit. Got her started on heart guard today and just need to see about flea and tick control now. Vet visit went good however he wants me to think about letting him open up her nose a little. Not the full blown procedure that a lot of French bulldogs and English bulldogs get but something he said were he makes and incision and pulls some back and stitches it. He said itā€™s been real successful before even to the point where it has avoided a surgery later. He said her nose wasnā€™t terrible but it wasnā€™t great. He labeled it as moderate and just wanted me to think about it, any thoughts. So thoughts on flea preventive and also minor nose tweek, thanks!View attachment 114725

Welcome!!! Cutie pie fur-ball you got there.....

I sure wouldnā€™t touch her nose. Old saying, ā€œif itā€™s not broken, leave it aloneā€. Sheā€™s still a puppy and will be going through all sorts of changes. Enjoy the puppy stages... go with the flow. For fleas/ticks I personally never used it on my dogs. I did a couple times to get rid of mange to realize NuStock worked better. Hereā€™s a thread that you might enjoy especially for maintenance!! Maintenance as a young age, youā€™ll avoid a lot of future issues if any. I always use in the summers lavender oil. I put a few drops on the dog collar and never had issues with mosquitoes or fleas/ticks. I also spray my 2 with a tick/fleas mixture. At the end of the day, boils down to what you want to do... Iā€™m just more on the holistic side. Unless there was a big emergency, then that would be another story.
Welcome to the site, and your pup is a cute. You have chosen a good food, that's what we feed our pups when we have them. I agree with others, I would not touch her nose right now. She is still growing and changing. As long as she is not having problems breathing and you can not hear the air coming in and out, then I would not touch it.Plus if you use Sentenal for heartworms, it works for fleas too. If there are not a lot of ticks where you live, and none in your yard, I would not worry about the tick meds. Thwy can be very bad for your bully, plus don't use the typical flea and tick meds, as they can cause a very bad reaction and cause burn like sores on their back, where they will loos the hair there.
Cute kid you got there. You're on the right track concerning food. Please post more pics when you get a chance...we like pics.
As far as the nose is concerned...
Opening the nares when already under for another procedure is common practice, but rarely as a stand-alone surgery.
It's concerning that a Vet would suggest this surgery when your puppy isn't showing any signs of distress related to stenotic nares...and is so far from adulthood. Revisit this at a much later date.
Keep in mind that in most cases, the biggest surgical risk for a Bulldog(or similar breed) is the anesthesia.
Welcome to EBN!! Youā€™re baby is adorable!!

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Cute kid you got there. You're on the right track concerning food. Please post more pics when you get a chance...we like pics.
As far as the nose is concerned...
Opening the nares when already under for another procedure is common practice, but rarely as a stand-alone surgery.
It's concerning that a Vet would suggest this surgery when your puppy isn't showing any signs of distress related to stenotic nares...and is so far from adulthood. Revisit this at a much later date.
Keep in mind that in most cases, the biggest surgical risk for a Bulldog(or similar breed) is the anesthesia.

Thanks for all the info. The procedure for the nose is something other than the surgery that requires anesthesia. He said this is something heā€™s done that in most cases prevents the surgery later in life and that he would just have to use a little gas. Unfortunately Millie has cherry eye now. It looks horrible but it appears to not bother her. The vet has her on some ointment with hopes that it will go back. It pooped back in the first day and the came back out. The vet discussed all the options and said we can talk about it more when she gets 6 months or older. 554FA5A1-100A-4285-B31F-0BD5C0152526.jpeg
Thanks for all the info. The procedure for the nose is something other than the surgery that requires anesthesia. He said this is something heā€™s done that in most cases prevents the surgery later in life and that he would just have to use a little gas. Unfortunately Millie has cherry eye now. It looks horrible but it appears to not bother her. The vet has her on some ointment with hopes that it will go back. It pooped back in the first day and the came back out. The vet discussed all the options and said we can talk about it more when she gets 6 months or older. View attachment 114759

She is to precious!

We had Lambeau nares done at 16 weeks, our vet believes if they are tight at that young of an age, it is worth doing the widening early to hopefully prevent or limit the impact to the soft palate.

Lambeau is now 4 yrs old... does not snore

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