
New member
Apr 17, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all. We are new here. I have just purchased my baby Belle who is 2.5 months old on Thursday. Since then she had a clean bill of health and all vaccines up to date and she was fine friday but Saturday she started this dry heaving and then a gag at the end but no vomit. She has a bet appt monday but it seems to be getting worse today she has vomited a few times some food and then a yellowish foam liquid which I'm guessing is bile. I am getting very concerned as she is now trying to avoid food. Her stool is still firm and her pee is a light yellow color. Has any one experienced this in the past with their baby bull. Note she is eating everything she has been used too all her life so far.

Hi all. We are new here. I have just purchased my baby Belle who is 2.5 months old on Thursday. Since then she had a clean bill of health and all vaccines up to date and she was fine friday but Saturday she started this dry heaving and then a gag at the end but no vomit. She has a bet appt monday but it seems to be getting worse today she has vomited a few times some food and then a yellowish foam liquid which I'm guessing is bile. I am getting very concerned as she is now trying to avoid food. Her stool is still firm and her pee is a light yellow color. Has any one experienced this in the past with their baby bull. Note she is eating everything she has been used too all her life so far.


Welcome to you and Miss Belle.... first off, what kind of food are you giving her and how much per day? Usually yellow vomit is that they aren't eating enough but that doesn't mean you have to overfeed them either. You mentioned she up to date in her vaccinations. Usually they get another one around 3 months old if she just had it not too long ago that can have an affect and in some dogs it wont bother them.
Hi all. We are new here. I have just purchased my baby Belle who is 2.5 months old on Thursday. Since then she had a clean bill of health and all vaccines up to date and she was fine friday but Saturday she started this dry heaving and then a gag at the end but no vomit. She has a bet appt monday but it seems to be getting worse today she has vomited a few times some food and then a yellowish foam liquid which I'm guessing is bile. I am getting very concerned as she is now trying to avoid food. Her stool is still firm and her pee is a light yellow color. Has any one experienced this in the past with their baby bull. Note she is eating everything she has been used too all her life so far.


Sounds like she may have an obstruction… do you have an emergency vet in your area? I would contact them immediately…
Hi all. We are new here. I have just purchased my baby Belle who is 2.5 months old on Thursday. Since then she had a clean bill of health and all vaccines up to date and she was fine friday but Saturday she started this dry heaving and then a gag at the end but no vomit. She has a bet appt monday but it seems to be getting worse today she has vomited a few times some food and then a yellowish foam liquid which I'm guessing is bile. I am getting very concerned as she is now trying to avoid food. Her stool is still firm and her pee is a light yellow color. Has any one experienced this in the past with their baby bull. Note she is eating everything she has been used too all her life so far.


At such a young age with all the vomit and food avoiding... I'd get her to a vet
She is currently eating nutri source which is what she was on they told me 3/4 cup twice a day which I thought was alot but I put it out and she has never ate it all when she was eating. Along with that a daily multi vitamin, joint powder and longevity drops. Unfortunately I can not find an emergency vet near me and she has an appt tomorrow with the vet. I'm going to call first thing to see if I can get in before my appt
Will they still be able to poop with an obstruction? I got her to eat this morning with some wet and dry food mixed and she has gone twice since then
Gastrointestinal obstruction is usually a blockage but you're saying she's eating and pooping. Well you have your appointment tomorrow so that's great. The sooner the better. Regarding food. My dog was free feed when she was on orijen kibbles and never ate her 2-3 cups per day. She always left a cup in the bowl. Now she's on home cooking and its empty all the time. Let us know what happens at the vet tomorrow. Hang in there :)
She is currently eating nutri source which is what she was on they told me 3/4 cup twice a day which I thought was alot but I put it out and she has never ate it all when she was eating. Along with that a daily multi vitamin, joint powder and longevity drops. Unfortunately I can not find an emergency vet near me and she has an appt tomorrow with the vet. I'm going to call first thing to see if I can get in before my appt

Please let us know how she is doing and how the vet appointment went

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