Missing members.....who do you miss?


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
The hardest thing for me is wondering where some of our really active members disappeared to. I really miss a few members.... and it makes me sad. Why did they stop coming back? Why don't they even pop in every once in a while? It makes me very sad when that happens. Very sad indeed..... :*(

So maybe if we let them know they are missed, they may drop in and say hello again :)

So, who do you miss?
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[MENTION=345]Mugzilla[/MENTION]!!!!!!I haven't seen [MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION] around for a while and I've missed her but I don't think its been so long that it can't be that she is just on vacation or something.
[MENTION=1222]Victor Y[/MENTION] ... Haven't heard from him much or lately after his introduction... I was hoping he would be a regular. He's a character and I love his Bully Pepper
Yes! And I totally miss [MENTION=938]SonoftheSea[/MENTION] bono videos...

[MENTION=18]Pendragon[/MENTION] too, she was one of our first members, and I totally miss [MENTION=345]Mugzilla[/MENTION] she always gave such great advice!

[MENTION=860]jillh10[/MENTION] is really missed but she is swamped. I think [MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION] is still on vacation?
I know y'all miss me too! Lol Jk. I just haven't logged on in awhile because I've super super busy with nursing school. I'm going to try to log on more than once a week now.

Love all my bully friends :]
I was going to say most of these. Haven been curious about [MENTION=938]SonoftheSea[/MENTION] he was such a great poster and the videos were so wonderful! It makes me sad too, I just hope they got too busy and nothing bad has happened.
Yes we totally miss you being on here a lot [MENTION=689]catorres8988[/MENTION] and [MENTION=735]Kikiwhoa21[/MENTION] too! Luckily I still see you both on fb :)
Yes! I wonder if [MENTION=1222]Victor Y[/MENTION] is just busy too. It has not been too long, and he was a character!

I thought of someone else that I have not seen is [MENTION=901]rikkiderr[/MENTION] with that adorable little Trixie. Wanna see more Trixie! LOL

Glad to see [MENTION=400]froggz[/MENTION] and [MENTION=460]roanne9145[/MENTION] have come back, nice to see them here again :)
Baby T!! We miss them!
Awwwwww Thank you.. I missed all of you....

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