MISSING BULLDOG ALERT!! Katie in Palm Springs, California


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack

Missing Bulldog!!!
"Katie" the Bulldog Missing

Palm Springs, California

Bulldog Friend & Owner

A bulldog is missing at this point. WE need your "help and eyes" to see if we can get this bulldog home. Whoever has this bulldog may be trying to take the dog to a local vet for medical treatment, also looking for her home or taking out of the area mistakenly thinking she was abandoned. There is even a chance the might turn up in an animal shelter near you.

This bulldog was last seen in Palm Springs, California, perhaps you have a friend or family member you can forward this alert to?

The dog could of been driven out of the area or given to someone that took the dog elsewhere.

Stray senior bulldogs are rare and someone will remember seeing this dog or hearing of someone helping or seeing a senior a bulldog. We are hoping a family has taken in her in to their home or to a local vet office to keep her safe until she is gotten home.

As part of the bulldog community, someone may mention hearing about this bulldog in passing thinking your should know or could offer some advice on the dog.

Any bulldog missing or stolen should be of importance to us all. If thefts and unreturned missing bulldogs are left unchecked or not noticed, it puts other bulldogs at risk for being taken too.

Please share this story on your twitters, facebook and forward to a friend!

Owners: Patrick's 760-327-0742 Or Bucky's number is 310-384-4664.

The street she was on was Ave Caballeras in Palm Springs. She is mirco chipped and a senior bulldog.

Thank you for taking the time to see this and sharing with any friends that would be helpful too. This bullie could be transported over statelines by now or just with in a few blocks where she was taken.

PLEASE send this to a friend and help get the word out.

They found her :up: YAY!

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