Man at Petco ticked me off !!!!

Luvin My Bullie

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Community Veteran
Jan 29, 2011
Tuscumbia, Alabama, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
so I decided to take Chaos to Petco for a bath and nails and ears done. The people that work there are super nice and absolutely was crazy about him. After he was finished, we walked around the store and picked up a few things. At the register, everyone of course started oohing and ahhing over him. I love the attention he gets but he lovess it even more. Then this man says he is a beautiful dog, what is he? I replied an eb and he had the nerve to ask if he was full blooded....he said I thought their faces were flater than his!!! IDIOT!!! Not sure why it ticked me off so much, but it did....just needed to vent :cursing:
Hmmm..he's lucky he isn't walking around with a MUCH flatter face! I swear..some people are truly ignorant! It would've ticked me off too. I had someone ask me if Jake was a mini bulldog..and THIs is someone who KNOWS better. I am so never going to be over that!
daphne 534.jpgI hate when people do that, I would be ticked off too. People ask me all the time if Daphne is a mini-bulldog....:cursing:
I was asked if HRH was a mini by someone at the Bully Meetup. I really don't let it bother me when people ask dumb things. Someone at Petsmart ask if she was a pitbull once. Of course I told them both no and that she's a registered EB.

To us she's perfect. Who gives a care what other people think.
Like [MENTION=983]LariP[/MENTION] I too have been ask more than once if he is a pit-bull, REALLY a pit-bull?? There is no comparison. I had a guy a couple of weeks ago ask me if I could tell the difference in his face and his A**, Now THAT made me furious, I was visiting a friend and it was her friend that said that. I was totally offended and did not speak to him the rest of the visit. I would have cussed him out had I known him and I was not a guest in her home with her friends.
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Really? It really made you mad that they didn't know about the breed? Come on, lighten up. I dont even have my dog yet, so I may ask a "stupid" question here or there, is it my intent to piss someone off, prolly not, I ask it to learn more. This guy didnt know any better, "Nope he's a pure-breed" is all you had to say, then move on.
Like [MENTION=983]LariP[/MENTION] I too have been ask more than once if he is a pit-bull, REALLY a pit-bull?? There is no comparison. I had a guy a couple of weeks ago ask me if I could tell the differece in his face and his A**, Now THAT made me furious, I was visiting a friend and it was her friend that said that. I was totally offended and did not speak to him the rest of the visit. I would have cussed him out had I known him and I was not a guest in her home with her friends.

[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] should have told that fool..when he pulls his OWN head out of his a**..he could see for himself! far as not letting it bother me about the mini stuff..I love how the minis look..BUT this is a neighbor who knows the whole litter..and Jake just ignored the so much!
I don't get mad when people ask stupid questions at all. I figure they are just uneducated about the breed. So I take the opportunity to tell them all about them, and dog food, and puppy mills.... Until they are thinking "gawd does this lady ever shut up?"
I only get pissed when people say "aw, your dog is so ugly it's kind of cute." >.>
People never cease to amaze me at the stupid things they say! It's like they lost that filter in their brain that tells them not to say something rude.
I only get pissed when people say "aw, your dog is so ugly it's kind of cute." >.>

Right! the other day the family went on ferry ride to San Juan, and I had to put Zeus in a Dog Carriage, and the employee told me "Oh! what an ulgy baby" I snapped back and told him but not as ulgy as you!!!
Okay---- YES, I must TAKE THAT BACK, I do get mad if they call my bully UGLY!!!! :punish::bat::fight::sense::girlfight::bitchslap:
I only get pissed when people say "aw, your dog is so ugly it's kind of cute." >.>

Right! the other day the family went on ferry ride to San Juan, and I had to put Zeus in a Dog Carriage, and the employee told me "Oh! what an ulgy baby" I snapped back and told him but not as ulgy as you!!!

Damn!! Did they have to pick their chin up off the floor? lol ouch.

When I first brought up getting a Bully as our first family dog my wife said they were kinda ugly and weird looking. That was until we were at a pet store picking up stuff for my daughters hamster and they happened to have a bulldog there. Ive always wanted one and asked her and my daughter if they wanted to check him out. Literally 2 seconds playing with the pup they both fell in love. We found a breeder and are hopefully bringing a pup home come August. Of course now all bullys are now adorable to all of us!!
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Bulldogs have a special way of winning your heart....I personally think it's their eyes
I could swim in a bully's eyes and forget a whole :poo: load of problems
A few months ago I take Mocha to our favorite doggie store to buy the Cocount oil for her. Well everyone loves Mocha and everytime we go there they are all obver Her. Well, this man was checking out of the store looks at Mocha and says, "Ugh, she looks like a pot belly pig." :aaargh:I gave him a look and told him that tha wasnt a very nice thing to say to someones pet. I wa so mad:cursing: , but I was polite. He apologized.Some people are so rude.

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