Lessons I've learned from Piggy


New member
Aug 14, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Bulldog(s) Names
Ms. Piggy
Piggy has been in with us for about a month at this point. In that month we've gotten the crash course on bullies and learned a few interesting points along the way.

I've always been around dogs, there are even baby pictures of me riding my mom's German Shepherd. So I honestly thought I knew a lot about dog care. WRONG!! In the past month I have learned how to clean face wrinkles, and treat chronic dry eye. I know how to clean gunk from a mildly deformed pallet to battle bad breath, and then there is the new knowledge of tail pockets.

I have learned that burping, farting, grunting and reverse sneezes can be gotten used to.

I have learned that I am a pillow, and I make a damn good one because I am used for one often.

Furniture is called "Fur"niture for a reason. I can train my mastiffs to stay off the couch because it now belongs to Piggy.

I've learned bulldogs are the clown at the party and my guard dog at night. Even though I have two much much larger dogs Piggy is now commanding General at determining which bumps in the night to bark at. All while standing next to me on the bed, while the other two are sent to go look at what ever set off the Piggy alarm.

I have learned that I need to laugh more often. Piggy makes me laugh a lot and I'm that much better for it.

I found a GREAT companion that has taught me new things and brings me laughter. How could anyone have been so cruel to her by throwing her outside?
I feel the same way now that we have Mr.Beefy. I have inherited there neglectful issues but gained a loving companion for myself and my kids.
that was an excellent post, thank you :)
Love it!!!! How could anyone be so cruel is right but then again it brought you to her so she is happier for it now. Thankfully!
My girl Pepper decided today while at the park that it was her solemn duty to stand in front of me to protect me from the big bad acorn that fell out of a tree we were sitting under . Bless that dog, without her the world would be a much more dangerous place
I have learned that burping, farting, grunting and reverse sneezes can be gotten used to.

AMEN to that statement sister!!! :D
"I have learned that I need to laugh more often. Piggy makes me laugh a lot and I'm that much better for it. "

I can totally relate to that, Bullies are a constant source of laughs with their grossness, and funny antics!

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