It just isn't fair...says Sarge.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Tank and Sarge
Why is it...when I take Ahsoka out and about she's a magnet everyone wants to PET her! And...honestly some Australian Shepherds are shy and reserve from strangers. Not her but a lot are. And she is totally attached.

Took Sarge today to get the boys from school. And...Sarge stood in the front seat feet, front feet on the door head out the window in hopes someone would walk up to pet him. Oh they seen him...they would smile...some giggled. One said he looked like he should be on Star Wars [Not sure that was a compliment] But they would carry on without petting him. He would then...embarrass me and himself by making NO noise any bulldog should be caught dead making...loud...vocal crying. It was PATHETIC! And...gave me a headache.

Finally I told one woman that he wasn't "mean" but crying due to everyone ignoring him and not petting him. She came up slowly still not quite believing me. And kept pulling her hand away before she actually pet him. :rolleyes: Um-mm yeah lady I want my dog to bite you...why would I let you pet him if he was mean...GEESH! She finally pet him and he was so excited he snorted all over her. And covered her with snot...Bawahahahahahaha

But he was really upset by folk coming up and then not petting him. I really don't take him to school often. He loves children...and I was planning on taking Ahsoka but she chose to race down the stream prior to leaving. So that didn't happen.

But...take him/Sarge to a pet store...and we're followed. Take him to school...parents become over protective and leery. :crazy: I understand being leery of a strange dog. But...when the owner says..."he's friendly" why be not pet him? Though the one thought he was mean and going to rip the children apart with his crying...:eek: SERIOUSLY!?! :crazy: lady...
When the neighborhood kids were out last summer, after I first got Bertie....they all used to ask it that a little pit bull? How can you mistake an english bulldog and a pit bull?
Awww poor Sarge!! I would pet you and love you and want to steal you :D:luv::lol: Samson does the same thing though, he cries like a little girl LOL Oh and the infamous snot spray, so embarrassing when they do that to random people!
[MENTION=490]reallyrob[/MENTION] At the lake where we live...they are celebrities...Dogs are NOT allowed at the beach. But...the entire association at a board meeting. Voted that our bulldogs be allowed down there...since they send people to our house just to "see the dogs". So typically he is used to being spoiled and loved on. To be sort of acknowledged then...ignored. KILLED HIM! I then remembered why I don't take him to the's to hard emotionally on the poor guy.

I have gotten the "pit bull" occasionally what gets me is a pit is actually a TERRIER!


Sarge sends you sloppy wet kisses just from the water dish...full of thanks.
[MENTION=490]reallyrob[/MENTION] At the lake where we live...they are celebrities...Dogs are NOT allowed at the beach. But...the entire association at a board meeting. Voted that our bulldogs be allowed down there...since they send people to our house just to "see the dogs". So typically he is used to being spoiled and loved on. To be sort of acknowledged then...ignored. KILLED HIM! I then remembered why I don't take him to the's to hard emotionally on the poor guy.!

Bertie has made that screaming sound too! She loves to get attention, and the minute she sees someone she will flip over on her back wanting a tummy rub.
The covering with snot part made me really :LMAO:
The covering with snot part made me really :LMAO:

Trust was hard not to laugh when that happened...especially since I had to practically beg her to come over and pet him. [to get him to shut up]
[MENTION=1612]Alice Kable[/MENTION] I think due to his attention he gets elsewhere...that it was extremely hard on him emotionally today...And another reminder why I do not take him to the school when I pick up the children. So I had to take him into TSC for some attention...:up: I think by the time we headed home...he was feeling back to his adorabull self again.
Normie got mistaken for a shar-pei last weekend. I think he loks nothing like a shar-pei. Maybe the person who thought they were pitbull were mistaken it with staffordshire? Possibly...
If I ever figure out how to download video from my phone, I'll post it...My husband LAUGHED out loud. And wants to record the sound Sarge made to his phone and send it to people...He's so not right...:LMAO:
I have the opposite problem, everyone wants to pet my bulldogs when we go places!
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] Typically that is our problem too...EXCEPT at school.
Wade took Tank with him to a job site...[they have dogs there so he left Tank inside the truck] The client came out and seen Tank in the seat...opened the truck door [without asking] Tank sat there shivering like someone was going to steal him! [He's getting older and showing nervous tendencies more and more] Once she baby talked him...told him his dad would be right back...he wagged his butt and greeted her.

Most are not afraid of our bulldogs...Except one man who says...He used to deliver papers...and knows dogs. He doesn't trust Sarge...but trusts Tank. :LMAO:
LOL perhaps everyone is so used to seeing Ahsoka. Perhaps Sarge should get more school trips so he is not a stranger to them..... and he can drool on a few more people :lol:

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