Is it OK to feed them once a day ??


New member
Mar 29, 2014
Right now I'm feeding my bulldogs two times a day and I'm considering to feed them only once but I don't know if it's good for them or if it can affect them. Right now I'm feeding them one cup in the morning and one in the afternoon. They're a little over the year. Any comments or help on the topic will be appreciated. Thanks.
I also feed twice a day.... same amount too, 1 cup AM/PM
Same here, twice a day, one cup each time. Feeding times, 7a and 7p for us.

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I have a few pups that eat once a day (my puppy mill rescue and one my one boy - They only like eating once). I have a backyard breeder rescue girl that eats twice a day and I have a disabled boy that eats whenever he wants (until his dish is empty - not very often). So we go with whatever works the best with them.
Ftse will only eat once a day even thou he is given food twice a day and I am lucky he eats every day now.
I like to feed twice a day. I think brutus needs it more than frankie does though. Brutus will spit up stomach junk if he goes too long Without breakfast. Frankie can go until dinner time no problem.
I feed twice a day and it seems to work well. I'm trying to work to free feeding without him gorging himself
I have fed Ace once a day since he was about a year old. He does get some relatively light treats first thing in the morning but the bulk of his food comes in the one evening meal. It hasn't hurt him one bit. He is quite a bit larger than the breeder estimated he would be at maturity. The breeder said to expect about 15" and 55 pounds. Ace is about 16 and a half inches and weighs 74 pounds. So obviously the feeding schedule is not hurting him. He is in excellent health as well and has plenty of drive
My girls get fed twice a day; Amber is rather large weighing in at 64 pounds and Ruby is much smaller than Amber weighing in at 47 pounds. Same mom and dad but different litters and absolutely different body built. Ruby sometimes eats both times in the day and other times she only eats her morning food.
Hi, I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to this, as every bully is different and everyone's daily schedules are different. Some bullies eat once a day and do well with this schedule and others like my Dozer will throw up if he doesn't eat twice a day. I find that if they are fed only once a day it's a long 24 hours before they eat again and that can also cause tummy upsets due to being hungry, some bullies will throw up. Having said that every dog is different and some will do fine with once a day feedings and can eat 2 cups of kibble all at once, instead of divided, also some people have work hours that don't accommodate twice a day feedings, and once a day feedings work better for them. You can try once a day feedings and see how your dog does and if he does well with no issues and this works better for you, then it's fine, you will know what schedule works best for your dog.
Unless your bullie doesn't want to eat more than once, I'd stick to twice. I think it's easier on their stomach (less acid and reflux) when they eat more than once a day.
Meatball gets fed once a day in the morning. He will get treats throughout the day plus he gets a bananna every night before bed. He won't go to sleep unless he gets his bedtime bananna
I also feed mine twice a day about a cup each feeding.
Thanks a lot guys !!! After reviewing carefully your comments I think I'll keep em eating twice a day. Spartacus did had acid reflux while puppy and Lara tends to throw up and eat it if she's hungry. Thanks for your advices.

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