Introducing myself and my Blueberry Muffin :)

@bulldogs4me, @Alice Kable, @linwhite, [MENTION=3373]luseaann[/MENTION],, @savemejeebus- thanks guys. am looking forward to learning as much as possible from everyone here. This is truly one of the better forums out there.

linwhite- as far as I know, he doesn't carry any blue (genes i guess?). Sires side is mostly Cherokee Legend, Moms is various.:)
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omg, omg, OMG Little Blue is so cute. I just fell in love with her. I know you are so excited to bring your little one home. Give her a big hug and slobbery kiss from me. Also if you can bottle up some of that Puppy Breath, I will send you my address.

Welcome to the site and you will find this place to be awesome for a bully parent. I can't wait to see more of Blue in the future. Love the Name by the way...:hifive::welcome::welcome:

Thank you. Blue's a Boy Sorry for the
What a face. She looks like a Blueberry.

His facial expression cracks me up. He looks a bit annoyed and a bit sad at the same time. Like, "you woke me up but you're not feeding me?!!"
:drawheart: I LOVE HIM! And his name is adorabull!! This will be the longest 6 weeks of your life! So, get some sleep and soak up all the info you can on these wonderful creatures!!
Oh and WELCOME!!!
[MENTION=7064]mer55[/MENTION]- thank you. the weeks are gonna drag.. :pouting: .. it's ok though because like you said, we're soaking up all the info. we can :)
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[MENTION=1169]Piamitch[/MENTION]- thanks. i already love it here..:D
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What a cute little boy, :smileywelcome: to EBN. If you ever need someone to take him out during the day I work in midtown :D
What a cute little boy, :smileywelcome: to EBN. If you ever need someone to take him out during the day I work in midtown :D

Thanks :)
hehe... I would so hold you to that if only you worked downtown-we're in Battery Park City. I've already looked into a few places that come twice a day, Monday-Friday for 30-45 minute sessions. They feed, clean, and play with your pup. But, Chris (my hubby) works within walking distance, so we're trying to see if he can schedule coming home for at least an hour, on the days I need to go into the office.
Thanks :)
hehe... I would so hold you to that if only you worked downtown-we're in Battery Park City. I've already looked into a few places that come twice a day, Monday-Friday for 30-45 minute sessions. They feed, clean, and play with your pup. But, Chris (my hubby) works within walking distance, so we're trying to see if he can schedule coming home for at least an hour, on the days I need to go into the office.

Hope you guys made it through Sandy ok, I know people that were down there and lost cars
Hope you guys made it through Sandy ok, I know people that were down there and lost cars

We're fine, thank you. But we did lose power for four days. We were one of the very few unlucky buildings in the neighborhood that it happened to.
What about you?

edited to add: Speaking of cars, my parents are in Brooklyn, right off the ocean. They lost their car. In fact, when they left for Florida two weeks ago, their building was still on generator power.
But hey, they still came out of it better than many..

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