Intranasal bordetella vaccine


Head Pooper Scooper
Staff member
Mar 21, 2011
Katy, Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
BeBe, Hazel, Lucy Lu, JLO, Hillary, Henri, & Katie
Ok alot of pups get vaccinated using this method and have no problem, maybe if you are in a low humidity area you may not have any issues, but here where we are with high humidity there are several people who's pups have come down with pneumonia, some have died and others have survived. To me it's not worth taking the risk. Tell your vet to give the shot when they are under a year old. Here is a video of a poor pup fighting for his life. YouTube - ‪Max gets pneumonia from intranasal bordetella‬‏ It just breaks my heart, I hope he pulls through this.
Oh poor baby!! We live in OK, Matilda got that vaccine and didn't get sick, thank god!!!!
I totally understand. Until what I've read here..I had NEVER heard of this happening. It's what's done here and by vets specializing in bulldogs. Such a shame some of these pups go through this. We certainly aren't as humid as Texas..just wish there was a determinate result so vets could agree! Seems like the mfg should straighten this out once and for all! From now on Jake will get booster shot. Here the nasal is given just for initial protection. And if you take a dog..any dog in for any reason and they have not been vaccinated..they get the nasal because it's immediately effective.
We have always done the nasal one but now we won't!! How scary!
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chaos got the intranasal one today! I had no idea! :*( Is there anything I can to to help avoid him catching the pneumonia???? Now I will be worried sick

Don't worry. While I'm not a breeder OR a breeders vet..I think you will find unless your pup has another a small trachea or lung issues..your pup will NOT get sick. Pneumonia isn't caused by a nasal vaccine. If it was that vaccine would be off the market. True..some pups DO get sick..but those pups ..I bet..have another underlying condition. Just like in people..if you belong to a certain segment of the don't get a certain vaccine or type of vaccine. I figure..either you trust your vet or you just don't. Since mine has bulldogs for her personal dog and they get this nasal vaccine..I'm ok with it. If not get the needle.
Oliver got the intranasal when he got his 16 weeks shots and had no problem, but our humidity wasn't yet high here. In Michigan, it can get very humid in the summer. I chose not to have Sebastian vaccinated with it, since he doesn't really go anywhere he could get kennel cough because of his underlying heart problem, but if I decide to have him vaccinated, I am for sure going with the shot for him
Our vet just automatically gave the shot and not the intranasal.
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chaos got the intranasal one today! I had no idea! :*( Is there anything I can to to help avoid him catching the pneumonia???? Now I will be worried sick

I would not worry, he probably will be OK, a lot of them get the nasal and are OK, just down here we have high humidity and I'm guessing that's what helps cause the problem. Like [MENTION=2092]JAKEISGREAT[/MENTION] said they do not have that problem and they have low humidity. Once the dogs get older is seems they do not have a problem and pups with long noses do not have a problem. When our beagle was a pup she was give it nasally and no problem. Just the dogs with short noses, go figure. Either way it's good the have them vaccinated, which ever method you prefer. I just know down here I will give mine the shot, and not take a chance. :)
Mystro had his intranasal shot at 14 weeks. 4 days later we took him to emergency and they told us that he had pnemonia. the vet gave us some anibiotics and sent us home .The next day I took him back to the vet that gave him the shot and she said that he got it from aspirating water or food into the lungs . I think that it was from the vaccine. he spent the next five days at the hospital.He has not had pnemonia since . but i will not be giving him the vaccine again
I talked to my vet today and feel 100% better. Chaos is acting normal and Dr Bonner assured me that in his 30 years of practice, he has never seen a HEALTHY pup like Chaos get pneumonia from taking the nasal vaccine. He said it is a threat if you have a sickly dog or the dog has some type of pre exisitng condition. I trust him, so I am good :)
I'm sure your pup will be fine, I just know the pup that my friend sold and the new owner's vet gave it the nasal spray and got pneumonia, that pup was a very healthy pup and no pre-existing condition. I knew this pup and saw him the day they picked him up and he was a happy healthy pup. So I can't explain why some get it and some don't.
omg is that just puppies? Sarah just got the intranasal but she is 4 and 1/2? Now im kinda worried. The humidity can get high here.

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