I, like Libra926 would be busted if....


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
So New years Eve, Joe and I were watching Dick Clark and some of the dances and he goes on to tell me how good of a dancer he was (funny I have never seen it) any way in the early 90's there was a dance that was called the Catapillar where you lay flat on the floor and move your body like a Catapillar.

I convinced Joe to lay down and show me....ONLY to have Vegas "mount" his head!:eek: Joe works with all guys and I kept threatening to send them the pictures, I did not get the actual mount because I was scrambeling for the camera but this is the aftermath.



So I thought I would show you guys the aftermath of getting his head humped, look how red Joe's face is it was a combo of mad vs. embarassed!!! I would give a million dollars had I caught the "mount"!!
Kelly,,,, you are SOOOOOO BAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL
He's smiling though. It looks like he really loves Vegas too, even if he doesn't want to admit it.

I found this on facebook, so if you don't want the world to see this, the feeds need turned off [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]
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[MENTION=983]LariP[/MENTION], No I don't care if it is posted,,, Now if I would have got the hump part it would have been better. Joe is on a huge project, he is an engineer for Gulfstream Natural Gas, the gas line that runs under the state of Floirda and the Gulf, so our state does not blow up, he is working 10-12 hours a day, the only time he is on his laptop is for work, I can get away with anything right now, >.<
And Joe does love Vegas he just did not appreciate getting his head humped!! I think he felt Violated!! :lol:
Yes, the stuff you dont want the world to see goes into the 4 Paw Members board.....
That is so funny ..... :lol: AND proves that the Caterpillar needs to stay in history and not be made popular ever again .... :p
I am rotf ...I don't know when I have broken out in a laugh like that.... but that was plan funny, no matter who you are!!!!! I can see the mount in my head and it still makes me smile. Thank you [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] For this story and pictures.... and Joe for being a good sport.
Camera ready girl!!!!! Don't you hate it when its not at arms length and people think we are nuts.

LMAO at them two.

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